Proud Mama!

Pictured to the left is my very own little slugger - Brandon. Today Brandon's t-ball team, the Phillies, began "coach pitch." For those of you who are either blissfully unaware of the world of children or t-ball, allow me to explain this term: usually the kids hit the ball off a tee (thus "t"ball) but half way through the season they switch and their coach pitches to them to get them used to it for next season when all the little rug rats move on to coach pitch. So what they do is pitch 2 or 3 balls and hopefully the 5-6 year olds connect...well, I'm here to brag that my son hit 3 straight & on the first pitch! He even tagged an opposing player out at third base. That's right a star is born - agents please form a single line to the right. :o)
After last spring's disaster otherwise known as beginners soccer, where my little darling spent more time with his hands down his pants and running in the wrong direction, it is good to see Brandon connecting with a sport. At $70 a season, plus all the gear required to participate, a parent only has a short time to decide if this is the "right" direction for their kid. Obviously soccer wasn't, but I'm thinking of giving this sport another shot.
Although Brandon seems to have an artistic soul - he loves to draw, sing and express himself - he is still a hands-on boy who wants to wrestle and get dirty, so I am feeling duty-bound to bow down to the gender stereotype of boys in sports. Besides look how cute he is in that little uniform! ;o)
For now, I'm just enjoying the crazy antics of The Phillies t-ball team. It really is a joy to watch these 12 little boys playing their hearts out. The smallest achievement - like actually catching the ball thrown to them - sends them to the moon with happiness. If you ever need a pick-me -up, look no further than the pint-sized players at your neighborhood dusty ball diamond.
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