Hey! That's MY letter....

Ask Matt: Defending Fringe's Joshua Jackson, Continuing the Heroes Debate and More!
Nov 3, 2008 10:02 AM ET
by Matt Roush
TV Guide's Senior Critic Matt Roush takes your TV questions. Have a rant, rave or burning question about your favorite show you'd like addressed? E-mail him here!
Nov 3, 2008 10:02 AM ET
by Matt Roush
TV Guide's Senior Critic Matt Roush takes your TV questions. Have a rant, rave or burning question about your favorite show you'd like addressed? E-mail him here!
Question: I am confused why some critics have stated that Joshua Jacksonwas miscast in the role of Peter on Fringe. I couldn't disagree more. Joshua is a good actor and Peter has good chemistry with Olivia. If anything they need to give him more to do than just be a babysitter all the time. They are wasting his fine talents, which is hardly his fault. (However, I must say he would have been miscast in the army doctor role over on Grey's Anatomy! He was too young for that role.) And regarding Desperate Housewives, you recently stated that you find Gale Harold's performance "surprisingly charming." What drives me crazy about his addition to the show is that he is totally wasted. Again, another great actor given very little to do except take off his shirt and beg for attention. It's also more than a bit odd watching the former "Brian Kinney" being the whipping boy for Teri Hatcher. As if... And just for the record, I agree with you about Heroes this year. All this time traveling is confusing, especially with regards to Peter. I can't figure out which one he is supposed to be half the time, and I've been a fan since the first episode. However, I like watching Sylar play the good guy — it's amusing. And I must admit to liking My Own Worst Enemy. Perhaps it is because I thought the show would be just plain terrible and surprisingly it isn't. My husband and I enjoy it for what it is. (Plus it is great to get to see Christian Slater on TV every Monday night!) — CB
Matt Roush: I'm not sure who you're reading, but I've got no beef with Joshua Jackson on Fringe. His snarky take on the crisis of the week and John Noble as his cracked dad are the high points of just about every episode. It's Anna Torv's Olivia who, after my strong first impression, I've had trouble warming up to. I'm still trusting the show will work out its kinks and figure out the appropriate mix where all of its primary characters are concerned. (And I have to think that where Grey's Anatomy is concerned, his role would have been conceived way differently from where they've taken it with the terrific Kevin McKidd.) As for Gale Harold: I like the change of pace in making him so sympathetic and vulnerable. He's a supporting player in this ensemble and that's as it should be. We'll be tackling Heroes at length as this week's column continues, but I will say I've had people write in to say I should lighten up where My Own Worst Enemy is concerned. After pre-screening last week's episode, I think I have a better solution. How about I start ignoring it like most of the rest of the world?
I just thought it was cool that my letter appeared on this site...a small ray of sunshine in an otherwise dreary world.
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