
I want to begin this entry by saying no...I'm not some nazi feminist - I actually like men. I also want to say that I'm lucky to be married (for nearly 10 years!) to a wonderful, loving creature of the opposite sex, but since this is my blog I reserve the right to vent, and or otherwise ramble on, about the often frustrating nature of men (my husband in particular).
I bring this topic up because last night my hubby went 'caveman' on me. No, he didn't grunt and toss me over his shoulder, dragging me into his cave to have his way with me - because I would sort of like that. Instead, here is what occurred: We were sitting on the couch watching half the Reds game and half the Stanley Cup match when he disappeared into the kitchen. He came back in holding a fork. On the fork was a huge leftover rib from dinner. He then sat down on my couch and proceeded to gnaw into it, smacking his bbq stained lips. No plate, no napkin. Just a man and his hunk of beef. I guess I should be thankful he grabbed a fork. Um, hello?! What is wrong with men? Why do they think this sort of thing is acceptable? I was totally grossed out.
Another thought on men - why can't men with children (aka "fathers") act like grown-up parents without their wive's reminding them? We were in Target this past weekend and I asked him to go pick up the cat litter while I grabbed some detergent. I wandered into the aisle which holds the cat supplies just in time to see my 6 yr. old dropping the bag of litter not once but twice...I held my breath that the bag would not rip open and litter would spill everywhich way. He was trying to get the bag into the shopping cart - the same cart that my 9 yr. old daughter had popped up on the back two wheels like she was stunt shopping for Fear Factor or something. I no sooner hissed out - "I told you two to stay with your father," when as if by magic he peered around the corner of the aisle. He had been there all that time, letting the kids run loose like maniacs. Grrr...
Can I vent just a bit more - please?!
- Why can't men see anything? Last night our son had a sore leg (growing pains) and my hubby is standing in the bathroom looking into the medicine cabinet. "Don't we have any kid's asprin?" He asks. Oh - you mean that bright red box marked Jr. Tyllenol...right there in front of you? Argh!!!
- Then when I went upstairs to kiss the boy goodnight, my dear hubby had let Brandon dump his dirty clothes all over my bedroom floor. He literally walked over them on the way past the dirty clothes hamper. Why?!?!
- Why can't men just watch one thing on television? They must think surfing the stations is a test to their manhood. Seriously! My hubby cannot stand to sit through even one commercial. He zips around the channels, often returning late back to the show we were watching (very annoying!). He cannot even go to bed without first running through all 140 channels first before shutting the tube off for the night. It's true - ask him! The worst offense? My hubby must have ownership of the remote. It sits mainly in his hand (or near by) the whole time the TV is on...which I don't care about because he doesn't force us to watch anything we don't want to watch (very often). But, what he does do that gets my panties into a bunch is fall asleep holding the remote...and almost always it is left on some terrible channel like C-SPAN. I hate...hate...hate that!
Ok...enough bashing of our male counterparts. I am certain women are just as annoying, but I'm not writing about that right now, am I? :o)
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