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What a crazy past few weeks…
School let out on May 31st – so I am now officially on “summer duty.” As my long time readers know, summer is my least favorite time of the year. It is a very stressful, expensive time for our family – it also means “all-mommy/all-the-time” 24/7! Please understand that I love my children, but day after day of the two of them constantly depending on me to entertain them, feed them, act as referee and taxi driver would drive even June Cleaver bonkers. Usually, I carefully plan out an activity calendar of free (or nearly free events) for the summer to give the kids something to point too and look forward too…but I let the time slip up on me and I’m scrambling to get that together. Trips to three local libraries for free programs and reading clubs shall commence any day now! (I already miss the quiet…)
To top it all off: My daughter has suddenly gone into complete panic-attack mode about
tornado warnings. She watches the weather channel all the time and freaks if there is even a small blip of green or (God forbid RED) in our area. If there is a warning, she will watch the clock until the second it goes away for our area. Sirens send her into a crying frenzy. I even found an “emergency” bag hidden in her room (in case we get hit) – it is full of socks, stuffed animals and other odd things. I have no idea why she is suddenly a freak about this. I’ve tried to talk to her and reason with her – but nothing really seems to work long term. Last night’s big batch of thunderstorms were not helpful, as you can imagine. We had every kid and animal (minus the hamster) in our bed/room. Sigh!
Car Update: Believe it or not…our broken-down 93 Chevy is finally out of the garage and waiting a tow tomorrow morning. I finally just called the guy to come haul it away. They are going to pay me $300 cash and tow it for free. I say good-riddance. Brandon and I spent all afternoon cleaning the garage out. It looks great. Plus, I now have all the money back that we spent on buying Daisy! I have to be honest though…I stood there looking at that car and became very sad. Sad for what it was supposed to mean for my family – freedom, the ability to get a second job – and sad for the fact that now we are really back to square one (with no options).
More Men of My Dreams: I keep having really odd dreams about kissing famous men (or at
least their TV personality). I already told you about the thin-lipped kiss between “Headmaster” Hugh Laurie and I, now we can add these to the list as well: The first dream was about Barney (a.k.a. Neil Patrick Harris) from How I Met Your Mother. I cannot imagine why I dreamt of him, but there I was in my own little HIMYM episode. I can’t remember every last detail but I can tell you that NPH is an amazing kisser! :o) Of course, I realize in reality that NPH is looking for his own dream man – but his TV alter-ego lives up to the hype. LMOA
The second dream I had was about Luke from The Gilmore Girls! I have long been a huge GG
fan, but never have I once dreamt of Scott Patterson. I remember that the entire dream was us arguing. It was a love/hate thing apparently. Still, he was good at making up! :o) I think it is funny how I only dreamt of kissing these guys…no funny business. I guess what I really need here in the real world is a great kiss.
Speaking of Sex: I went to see the Sex and the City movie this past Saturday. I never got to watch the show on HBO. Instead, I enjoy the watered-down version on TBS. Honestly, I find the TBS version to be just fine. I don’t need all the details to follow the story. I’m not a huge SATC fan, but I do like it and wanted to see Big and Carrie get married. Oddly enough, it was a man who invited me out to see the film. Here everyone is talking about girl’s night out – and it was my friend John who asked me to join him and his wife. They are much bigger fans of the show. His wife loved every second of the movie – while I felt it went on about 20 minutes too long. I recommend it if you watch the show even as a casual observer. I also recommend taking someone who isn’t offended when you roll your eyes at the hideous outfits these girls wear that we are supposed to think is fashionable. Seriously – they were, for the most part, terrible! Luckily John agreed with me – his wife hates me even more now I think. :o)
Random thought: The more I learn about Steve Carrell, the more I think I love that guy! I read a good interview with him in Playboy. (See you can buy it for the articles – lol) Although, I must admit that I’m waiting for Get Smart to hit the dollar theatres before I go see it.
DVD to watch: Across the Universe (You’ll love it if you are a Beatles fan – or a fan of Pink Floyd’s The Wall)
School let out on May 31st – so I am now officially on “summer duty.” As my long time readers know, summer is my least favorite time of the year. It is a very stressful, expensive time for our family – it also means “all-mommy/all-the-time” 24/7! Please understand that I love my children, but day after day of the two of them constantly depending on me to entertain them, feed them, act as referee and taxi driver would drive even June Cleaver bonkers. Usually, I carefully plan out an activity calendar of free (or nearly free events) for the summer to give the kids something to point too and look forward too…but I let the time slip up on me and I’m scrambling to get that together. Trips to three local libraries for free programs and reading clubs shall commence any day now! (I already miss the quiet…)
To top it all off: My daughter has suddenly gone into complete panic-attack mode about

Car Update: Believe it or not…our broken-down 93 Chevy is finally out of the garage and waiting a tow tomorrow morning. I finally just called the guy to come haul it away. They are going to pay me $300 cash and tow it for free. I say good-riddance. Brandon and I spent all afternoon cleaning the garage out. It looks great. Plus, I now have all the money back that we spent on buying Daisy! I have to be honest though…I stood there looking at that car and became very sad. Sad for what it was supposed to mean for my family – freedom, the ability to get a second job – and sad for the fact that now we are really back to square one (with no options).
More Men of My Dreams: I keep having really odd dreams about kissing famous men (or at

The second dream I had was about Luke from The Gilmore Girls! I have long been a huge GG

Speaking of Sex: I went to see the Sex and the City movie this past Saturday. I never got to watch the show on HBO. Instead, I enjoy the watered-down version on TBS. Honestly, I find the TBS version to be just fine. I don’t need all the details to follow the story. I’m not a huge SATC fan, but I do like it and wanted to see Big and Carrie get married. Oddly enough, it was a man who invited me out to see the film. Here everyone is talking about girl’s night out – and it was my friend John who asked me to join him and his wife. They are much bigger fans of the show. His wife loved every second of the movie – while I felt it went on about 20 minutes too long. I recommend it if you watch the show even as a casual observer. I also recommend taking someone who isn’t offended when you roll your eyes at the hideous outfits these girls wear that we are supposed to think is fashionable. Seriously – they were, for the most part, terrible! Luckily John agreed with me – his wife hates me even more now I think. :o)
Random thought: The more I learn about Steve Carrell, the more I think I love that guy! I read a good interview with him in Playboy. (See you can buy it for the articles – lol) Although, I must admit that I’m waiting for Get Smart to hit the dollar theatres before I go see it.
DVD to watch: Across the Universe (You’ll love it if you are a Beatles fan – or a fan of Pink Floyd’s The Wall)
Did you see Neil Patrick Harris on the new Password show? He did a great job!
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