Real Must-See TV is back...
This past week I actually enjoyed watching TV again! Last Thursday's episode of The Office is an excellent example. Jim started kidding around with Pam that maybe they ought to mo
ve in together, but she said she wanted to wait until she was married to do that. Jim states that he just hadn't gotten around to that yet - but he would. Pam, of course, thinks he was just being cute...but cue the boardroom confessional where Jim shows us the ring! OMG! The last few moments of the show, when Jim and Pam are walking outside and he bends down on one knee - well, you could have heard a pin drop in my house. I literally was holding my breath! Of course, he just starts tying his shoe...but WOW! Even my husband was glued to the screen. I haven't been that invested in a television couple since Mulder & Scully or Pacey & Joey. Awesome!

Speaking of awesome...Last night's episode of How I Met Your Mother really just rocked my world. First there was guest star, James Van Der Beek (Dawson from Dawson's Creek fame) in full 80's fashion (including the switch-blade comb!), and later as a hair-receding, beer-gutted Cannuck! Having lived in Canada, I enjoyed all the Canadian jokes and attempts at Canadian accents. On a side note, if they were going to borrow a D.C. alumni, why didn't they go with Joshua Jackson (a.k.a. Pacey) who is actually Canadian!
Then they revealed a brand new "Robin Sparkles" video, Sandcastles in the Sand, which has cameos of Tiffany and Alan Thicke! The funniest thing about this video is that if it had been released in the 80's with Debbie Gibson on the charts, it might actually be a hit on the radio. LOL
But they saved the best for last! The last 20 seconds of the show, when they cut to Barney and Robin making out on the couch, is something fans have been waiting for since season one! I was so excited I clapped at the ending right there in my living room. Amazingly enough, I hadn't heard one peep about this online. I guess all the hoopla around a new Robin Sparkles video created enough buzz to keep it a surprise. I didn't think that was possible in this day and age of internet spoilers (which I admit to reading).
I can hardly await new episodes of Lost (which has been excellent this season with the flash-forwards and the 'Oceanic Six' story lines) and Grey's Anatomy this Thursday, and of course House comes back next Monday at 9PM (note the new night and time, people). I like how some of the shows are jumping into the future with our story lines (like Brothers & Sisters).
Dare I say that the writer's strike actually pumped new life blood into these series? I think I just did! What do you think? Rate your favorite shows...
Kudos to: Law & Order SVU and The Big Bang Theory
Verdict's Still Out on: Desperate Housewives and Scrubs
Show which needs the most improvement: Grey's Anatomy (Don't let us down Shonda!)
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