Mr. Brooks - didn't suck!

I spent the better part of the afternoon watching the 2007 release: Mr. Brooks. It had received a mix bag of reviews, and it didn't exactly light up the box offices...but I like Kevin Costner (usually) so I picked it up at the library. Brian usually likes serial killer movies, but he decided to pass on watching this one with me. Big mistake! It was actually quite good - filled with lots of twists and suspense, plus it was well acted by its big name cast (even by Dane Cook - shocking, I know!). I had planned on just watching it as I cleaned...not expecting to really like it...but I sat on the couch and watched the whole damned thing!
SPOILERS AHEAD....if you do plan on watching it, please read no further....
I heard a lot of people who reviewed this film complain of not liking William Hurt portraying Mr. Brooks psycho-killer personality in the flesh, but I thought that part was great. It is tricky to portray the inner thoughts of a killer on film...either the guy just talks to himself like a nut-job, or they do some weird camera angle/focus or dream sequence. I liked the idea of another person playing his murderous alter-ego and being present throughout the film. It was quite like a book that way. Plus I got a kick out of the scenes when Mr. Brooks stops fighting his inner-voice and the two cackle together gleefully - now that was just flat out nuts!
My only complaint about the movie is the ending. After a terrific climax of all the pieces of the film coming together, they went and ruined the perfect ending. When Mr. Brooks kisses his daughter's cheek and she stabs him in the throat with the shears - holy fuck! THAT was a surprise! There he is dead on her bed and she calmly pulls his bloody glasses off and puts them on...the transition complete...but then they go an ruin it with it all being a dream! What a let down. They should have kept it to the bedroom murder scene and then pulled the camera back revealing William Hurt's character standing behind HER! Fade to black...perfect! Or it might have worked better if the murder dream had been his daughters and not his! Regardless, they dropped the ball on the ending.
If you have seen the movie - let me know what you thought (especially about the ending).
i had a feeling Costner would make some kind of a comeback; plus it's interesting how Dane Cook went from stand up comedian to starring in a ton of major movies
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