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I finally sucked it up and went in to get my cracked tooth repaired. It wasn't that bad, but now half my face is swollen and numb. I elected to return next week for a cleaning as well. I might as well since it won't cost me anything.
The kids and Brian all got cleanings too. Brian has a cavity and Meaghan needs two baby teeth pulled because they refuse to come out and the adult teeth are already in too! She is NOT happy. They gave me a prescription to "calm" her before she will visit...but I warned them about her habit of kicking and punching people who give her shots (like for the flu). Her dentist called it a challenge - in my head, I called him a fool! We will see...

We are awaiting an important call from Franklin about Brian's job. He went back for a second interview this week and the person who would be his boss told him that he wants him to work for them...however, they are still trying to make the financial part work. They told Brian that he hoped to have an offer by today. I hope that is true. We still haven't told Atlas yes or no yet to their offer, and I am sure they will not wait much longer. Besides that, I am getting worried about money. I see it ticking away (co-pays and groceries and fuel!) and not much is coming back in. Nervous is the key word for today!
I'm very discouraged about my group. I cannot seem to motivate the members to act or volunteer like I used too. Heck, I cannot even get them to reply to an email! Even though I am damned proud of the hard work that I've put into the past two monthly meetings, it doesn't seem to be the answer. So I think I'm pulling a "Ken Hitchcock" tomorrow.
If you follow Columbus sports, you'll likely know what I mean. Ken Hitchcock is the coach for the Columbus Blue Jackets. Following a slide in wins and with no ambition in sight, he ordered all the players in for a team practise and then threw down the keys/play book. He threw his hands into the air and said, have at it! I have no more ideas and I cannot play for you. We need leadership out there and team work - figure it out! That is where I am. I can only coach so far.
Thank goodness tomorrow is Yoga. I need a zen break!
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