I'm Still Standing...

As I write this, Brian is on his way to an interview. Several things have happened since my last update: Monday, Brian went to the library and sent his resume (online) to two opportunities. Remarkably, he heard back from both of them the same day. The interview he is on today came as a result of his resume being sent to Kinkos on Monday – apparently they forwarded his information to Franklin Imaging in Worthington, who then contacted Brian for the interview. The other company, Ikon, contacted him by phone on Monday and actually interviewed him over the phone. He went back to the library today and completed an application online. The hiring manager is supposed to call him back yet this week to schedule a face-to-face interview.
I keep telling Brian that this response is amazing! When my mother was out of work, she would send out dozens of resumes online and never hear back from them…or it would take a week or so for them to make contact with her. Yet here Brian sends off two resumes, for jobs he just happened to stumble upon online, and they both contact him in less than 24 hours! We are calling him “The Legend” around the here. LOL
Yesterday, Atlas finally called Brian back and offered him a position there. The only real issues with that is they want to pay him $2.40 less an hour than what he was making (with no guarantee for OT), the insurance is only 70/30 and it will take 90 days for it to kick in. Brian is waiting to see how these other two jobs offers pan out. I think he really wants the Ikon job…he seems most excited about it.
The previous week was not without its trials however. We found out the Brandon’s state insurance coverage ran out on 2/15…which was a surprise. Now I’m going through the red tape of having to deal with BCMH to get them to approve our financial application which they’ve had for over 3 weeks now. Until then, we have to pay our co-pays for his insulin and so forth. Luckily, as long as we get approved, I can get reimbursed.
Brian and I had a doozey of a fight last week too, but it resulted in something good: Brian actually revealing how he was feeling about this whole event. Despite my best attempts he wouldn’t open up to me, nor would he rant or vent on his own…the fight forced him to open up to me finally. We sat and talked about a range of worries we both had. I can’t say everything was resolved, but at least we are both more aware of what we are concerned about and what we both see as priorities.
Meanwhile, I’ve been busy trying to get everything done that needs to be handled before our insurance runs out: dentist appointments & doctor visits. Yesterday I forked over $105 to get three cavities taken care of for Brandon. He was so brave! I was proud of him. Next week Brian, Meg and Brandon all go back for cleanings. Now I have to get off my ass and go get my cracked tooth fixed as well. I went to the doctor though and got my thyroid test out of the way. While I was there I learned that all my pills could be purchased without insurance at Giant Eagle for a mere $4 a bottle! VERY good news…
Today I’m working on a project that I’ve been putting off for a while now – sorting through the mountain of CDs in our bedroom. We have tons of books and music stuffed in containers, cases and even shoe boxes. As I look our CD collection over, I’m noticing that quite a few only have 1-2 songs on them that I actually like. What a waste of space! I’ve decided to write down the songs I want so I can burn them and then I’ll just drop by Half Price Books and get what I can off them. Brian looked at me like I was insane as I sat surrounded by stacks of CDs…but then he said the magic word: IPOD!! I’ve only been hinting forever that I want one, but I truly never thought he would ever agree with me. (He’s a bit of an anti-tech – thus the reason I still don’t have a cell phone!) Obviously now isn’t the best time to purchase this, but perhaps if (WHEN!) he gets a job we can look into it. Next stage: the books.
I keep telling Brian that this response is amazing! When my mother was out of work, she would send out dozens of resumes online and never hear back from them…or it would take a week or so for them to make contact with her. Yet here Brian sends off two resumes, for jobs he just happened to stumble upon online, and they both contact him in less than 24 hours! We are calling him “The Legend” around the here. LOL
Yesterday, Atlas finally called Brian back and offered him a position there. The only real issues with that is they want to pay him $2.40 less an hour than what he was making (with no guarantee for OT), the insurance is only 70/30 and it will take 90 days for it to kick in. Brian is waiting to see how these other two jobs offers pan out. I think he really wants the Ikon job…he seems most excited about it.
The previous week was not without its trials however. We found out the Brandon’s state insurance coverage ran out on 2/15…which was a surprise. Now I’m going through the red tape of having to deal with BCMH to get them to approve our financial application which they’ve had for over 3 weeks now. Until then, we have to pay our co-pays for his insulin and so forth. Luckily, as long as we get approved, I can get reimbursed.
Brian and I had a doozey of a fight last week too, but it resulted in something good: Brian actually revealing how he was feeling about this whole event. Despite my best attempts he wouldn’t open up to me, nor would he rant or vent on his own…the fight forced him to open up to me finally. We sat and talked about a range of worries we both had. I can’t say everything was resolved, but at least we are both more aware of what we are concerned about and what we both see as priorities.
Meanwhile, I’ve been busy trying to get everything done that needs to be handled before our insurance runs out: dentist appointments & doctor visits. Yesterday I forked over $105 to get three cavities taken care of for Brandon. He was so brave! I was proud of him. Next week Brian, Meg and Brandon all go back for cleanings. Now I have to get off my ass and go get my cracked tooth fixed as well. I went to the doctor though and got my thyroid test out of the way. While I was there I learned that all my pills could be purchased without insurance at Giant Eagle for a mere $4 a bottle! VERY good news…
Today I’m working on a project that I’ve been putting off for a while now – sorting through the mountain of CDs in our bedroom. We have tons of books and music stuffed in containers, cases and even shoe boxes. As I look our CD collection over, I’m noticing that quite a few only have 1-2 songs on them that I actually like. What a waste of space! I’ve decided to write down the songs I want so I can burn them and then I’ll just drop by Half Price Books and get what I can off them. Brian looked at me like I was insane as I sat surrounded by stacks of CDs…but then he said the magic word: IPOD!! I’ve only been hinting forever that I want one, but I truly never thought he would ever agree with me. (He’s a bit of an anti-tech – thus the reason I still don’t have a cell phone!) Obviously now isn’t the best time to purchase this, but perhaps if (WHEN!) he gets a job we can look into it. Next stage: the books.
(UPDATE: I got $20 for my stack of CD's and a few books - not bad for an hour's worth of cleaning/organizing.)
More on the home front: I stumbled upon a heck of a deal at Target. I found a curtain rod long enough for me to finally put up my swag curtain in the bedroom. It was on clearance for $7! I’m no Martha Stewart, so it took me several attempts to make the double swag look half-way decent. A friend gave me the curtain at least 6 months ago and it has been sitting in my closet ever since. We even bought a new comforter to match the plum color of the curtain – but never got around to getting the rod. The price of the rod (usually $25 and up) was the main reason. We have double windows in our room so we needed a rod that will extend at least 75”. Anyhow – I’m so happy with the results.
More on the home front: I stumbled upon a heck of a deal at Target. I found a curtain rod long enough for me to finally put up my swag curtain in the bedroom. It was on clearance for $7! I’m no Martha Stewart, so it took me several attempts to make the double swag look half-way decent. A friend gave me the curtain at least 6 months ago and it has been sitting in my closet ever since. We even bought a new comforter to match the plum color of the curtain – but never got around to getting the rod. The price of the rod (usually $25 and up) was the main reason. We have double windows in our room so we needed a rod that will extend at least 75”. Anyhow – I’m so happy with the results.

Brian and I have been spending evenings snuggled on the couch watching all those DVDs we never had time to see before. This week we watched: Pulse, Bobby and 1408. The only one I would recommend is Bobby. It is a film about the assassination of Robert Kennedy as seen through the eyes of several different characters that were at the hotel where it happened. What was creepy was how much the politics then reflect the mood of the country now. It was really kind of freaky! The movie was directed by Emilo Estevez and stars everyone under the sun…including my sweetie Joshua Jackson. Speaking of Josh, he has a new movie coming out called Shutter. It’s one of those Japanese-horror remakes. It probably won’t be very good – but I’ll see it just for him. You can see the trailer on my MySpace page.
Well, I’d best get back to my CDs. Everyone keep their fingers crossed for Brian.
(UPDATE: Brian's interview went very well and the manager told him he wanted to get him "locked in" this week. This morning Ikon finally called and Brian will have an interview this Monday. Keep thinking those positive thoughts!)
Wow, this was quite the update! Good to read some good news. And here I thought you guys would be moving to Portland, and I was gonna ask to come along! lol
That's awesome that he is getting interviews. I hope something pans out for him!!!
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