A peaceful day...

I had my first Hatha yoga class this morning and – surprise- I didn’t hate it! Actually, I kind of liked it. I must admit that I had total body image issues before I arrived…I figured I’d be the oldest and most out of shape person there (wrong on both counts). I also figured the class would be filled with beautiful lesbians who would treat it as a place to pick up a new girlfriend or something – far from the reality. I was also afraid that I wouldn’t be any good at it – but I think I did pretty well actually. I’m not trying to get ahead of myself, I mean this was only the first class and I’m sure it gets harder, but I felt really good about myself when I walked out of there today! I even allowed Brian to buy me a beginning yoga mat, block, strap and DVD combo at Dick’s Sporting Goods afterward. It made me kind of giddy actually. LOL I felt pampered – which is a feeling I haven’t had in a long time.
Our SpeakOUT meeting went really well too. I managed to talk one person from my yoga class to stop in and two others who read about our group in The Other Paper joined us unexpectedly. I really felt prepared for the meeting and our guest speaker made a good connection with everyone. Today I feel really proud of myself and SpeakOUT. I did a kick ass job of being a gay activist this week – gathering a total of 94 signatures to create a new statewide bill for non-discrimination in hiring/firing/housing, gathering almost 100 signatures for a petition to ban “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” and speaking with well over 100 people this week about gay rights in general. Whew! Imagine if I got paid to do this full time?!
I found out this past week that two original staff members of Equality Ohio have turned in their resignations! Both Bo S. and Andrea W. are quitting at the same time…wow! Executive Director of EO said there were “no issues” in a statement to the local gay paper, but who is she kidding? Neither has a new position waiting for them or plans that they are telling anyone. Plus, it is only a couple of months until EO’s biggest event of the year – Lobby Day! Something stinks…but I haven’t uncovered the right person (yet) to find out what really happened. They’ve probably been told to keep their mouths shut – as I was when I didn’t agree with some things they did(n’t) when we were working together.
Saturday was a good day…I only hope the next two days go as nicely. At least Sunday brings with it new television: the all-new Knight Rider and a new episode of Brothers & Sisters. I don’t know about this new Knight Rider…I was a huge geek over the original. In fact, I even had my photo taken with the original KITT! That’s right – eat your heart out! LOL I should find that photo and scan it so I can share it (and my terrible hair) with you all. Maybe I will! LOL That reminds me: I also saw a crew filming a never seen TV movie of Knight Rider while I was in San Antonio years ago. KITT was red! I saw one zooming through the streets and another one was partially submerged in a big fountain near an office building. I looked for it to be released, but as far as I know it never was. Anyhow, I recently tried to watch the original TV show and it was just God-awful! I don’t expect this new version to be any better. If you watch it, please let me know what you think of it.
It’s late – so I’m off to bed. Oh! I’m sick of pills!!! So I decided to cut myself off (cold turkey) from the over the counter sleep aides I normally take each night. This is the 5th day straight that I haven’t taken them before bed. It has come with mixed results, but I think that I’m sleeping about the same amount regardless. It still takes me an hour to fall asleep and I still wake up all the time. The biggest difference comes in the morning…I don’t wake up with an upset stomach now and I don’t feel groggy all morning. I guess that is progress.
Our SpeakOUT meeting went really well too. I managed to talk one person from my yoga class to stop in and two others who read about our group in The Other Paper joined us unexpectedly. I really felt prepared for the meeting and our guest speaker made a good connection with everyone. Today I feel really proud of myself and SpeakOUT. I did a kick ass job of being a gay activist this week – gathering a total of 94 signatures to create a new statewide bill for non-discrimination in hiring/firing/housing, gathering almost 100 signatures for a petition to ban “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” and speaking with well over 100 people this week about gay rights in general. Whew! Imagine if I got paid to do this full time?!
I found out this past week that two original staff members of Equality Ohio have turned in their resignations! Both Bo S. and Andrea W. are quitting at the same time…wow! Executive Director of EO said there were “no issues” in a statement to the local gay paper, but who is she kidding? Neither has a new position waiting for them or plans that they are telling anyone. Plus, it is only a couple of months until EO’s biggest event of the year – Lobby Day! Something stinks…but I haven’t uncovered the right person (yet) to find out what really happened. They’ve probably been told to keep their mouths shut – as I was when I didn’t agree with some things they did(n’t) when we were working together.
Saturday was a good day…I only hope the next two days go as nicely. At least Sunday brings with it new television: the all-new Knight Rider and a new episode of Brothers & Sisters. I don’t know about this new Knight Rider…I was a huge geek over the original. In fact, I even had my photo taken with the original KITT! That’s right – eat your heart out! LOL I should find that photo and scan it so I can share it (and my terrible hair) with you all. Maybe I will! LOL That reminds me: I also saw a crew filming a never seen TV movie of Knight Rider while I was in San Antonio years ago. KITT was red! I saw one zooming through the streets and another one was partially submerged in a big fountain near an office building. I looked for it to be released, but as far as I know it never was. Anyhow, I recently tried to watch the original TV show and it was just God-awful! I don’t expect this new version to be any better. If you watch it, please let me know what you think of it.
It’s late – so I’m off to bed. Oh! I’m sick of pills!!! So I decided to cut myself off (cold turkey) from the over the counter sleep aides I normally take each night. This is the 5th day straight that I haven’t taken them before bed. It has come with mixed results, but I think that I’m sleeping about the same amount regardless. It still takes me an hour to fall asleep and I still wake up all the time. The biggest difference comes in the morning…I don’t wake up with an upset stomach now and I don’t feel groggy all morning. I guess that is progress.
That is awesome that you enjoyed your yoga class! I tried it but I had problems keeping balance. I kept falling over :)
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