It's polka time again...

After my last post, I thought I'd lighten things up by letting everyone know that my "close, personal friend" Weird Al will be making another cameo appearance on this Sunday's The Simpsons. Don't be White & Nerdy...check it out! LOL
Onto other news, I just found out that (even though I was recommended to apply by a pretty big GLBT community leader) I am not eligible to apply for the 'Pride Leadership' program being hosted by the United Way and the Macy's Foundation because I'm straight. Seriously! Applicants must identify as GLBT...
I'm OK with it, but I did ask them to reconsider this policy in the future (this is the first year for this 8-month program). The director is interested in me participating on another level, however. He might use me in one of the work sessions because of my "experience". Hey...maybe I'll get paid! :o)
Today is my father's birthday. It's weird not to celebrate it with him, considering he isn't dead nor is he living in say, India! Nope - the jack ass is up in Delaware (the city) and just doesn't want to be bothered with a daughter any longer. I'm half upset/half pissed with the whole situation. I did get him a card - from the kids. I don't know why I try anymore...honestly.
Did anyone else watch the last two new Chuck's last night on NBC?! I love that show. In the first episode, I almost laughed myself silly when he and Casey were fighting the Russian bad guys and Chuck goes: "How ya like me now, sucka!" LMAO!!!!!!! Zach Levi is just too damned funny.
Well, I am supposed to be slaving away on laundry I need to get off this thing and go be a good desperate housewife. :o)
House Alert! NEW episodes of House will begin next Tuesday! You know where I'll be...don't even think about calling me from 9-10PM EST! LOL
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