An ordinary day for once...

Today was a blissfully calm day...I took Meg and my mother to see the new chick flick, 27 Dresses. It was my present to my mother for her birthday (which was way back on the 2nd of this month, but I only had the money this weekend to treat her - better late than never I suppose). She is a big fan of Katherine Heigl's work, so of course she was thrilled. (Good daughter points!)
It was cute, and it had some funny moments to be sure (like the hilarious drunken bar scene where they sing to Elton John's Benny and the Jets), but I'm glad I only paid matinee prices to see it. The plot was very predictable - but in a very comforting way which keeps me going back to see such films.
I did see several good trailers for some upcoming movies: Stop Loss, Jumper and the next big chick flick, The Accidental Husband. The last one has Jeffery Dean Morgan (Denny from Grey's Anatomy fame) and Colin Firth (love him!) in I'm liking the male eye-candy! The female lead is played by Uma Thurman, who I could live with or without. I'll end up seeing it someday...probably for free from the library. Now I want to go see Juno and Sweeney Todd.
Brandon did a nice job this morning at his "modeling" shoot for the diabetes fundraiser. He gave me some sass about dressing him up and putting gel in his hair (He hates that because - in his own words - it makes him look like a) George Clooney or b) George Washington...neither of whom Brandon wants to look like apparently. LOL)
We watched the NHL All-Star Skills Competition this evening - which is my favorite part of the All-Star game. My favorite goalie, Martin Brodeur, was voted in as the best Eastern Conference goalie, but due to family obligations he couldn't attend. That was a bummer. I got to see some new faces though and it was fun watching these professional players acting like 12 year-olds! I love hockey for that - the players actually still love the game.

Then I watched the premiere of Torchwood...and I was a little disappointed. The Capt. Jack/Spike scenes were awesome, but they wasted too much time on other characters. I would have been silly-happy if the whole episode was only them! James Marsters is always plays such an awesome slimy, asshole that you can't help but love anyway guy. I'm looking forward to him coming back on a future episode. Until then, I'm not entirely sure I'll be watching. I wish James would dye his hair blond again...I think it suits him better.
We ate at this great new restaurant in Hilliard too. It is called the Cook Shack. They are a down-home BBQ joint located just off Cemetery Rd/Mill Run on Trueman Blvd. Just look for the new (but not yet open) gas station and the strip mall near Cheeseburger in Paradise. The prices are reasonable, and while the restaurant has a nice seating area, you walk up to order your stuff. We were expecting waitresses. Our sandwiches (mine: pulled-pork Carolina style & Brian's: beef brisket) were very yummy and huge. The menu isn't very kid friendly, and it is rather limited overall, but I would still recommend it if you are jonesing for a really good/huge BBQ sandwich.
Anyhow - I think I hit the sack. Brian is already snoring! I swear he lays his head down on his pillow and he is out like a light in under a minute. I am soo envious of that. I have to take sleeping pills just to manage to get to sleep...and I still lay awake a good hour before I do. :o(
I can't wait to watch House on Tuesday!!
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