New Indiana Jones trailer...

The new Indiana Jones sneak trailer is out! If you haven't seen it yet, visit:
Indy is looking a bit grey about the edges, and he looks a bit more worn than before...but I still can't wait to go see this on May 22!
Sorry I haven't been writing much of stupid internet connection has been spotty at best. Hopefully we will get that all cleared up soon and then I'll be back to posting rather regularly.
I've been super busy the past couple of weeks. Seems like everything is happening at once in my life! This week alone I traveled to Urbana University to host a table regarding a state wide law on fair hiring, firing, and housing practises. We spoke to 83 people and 73 agreed to sign our petition! That is outstanding...especially for such a small place. This earned our group $100!
Today I spoke at Ohio Dominican University about being an "out" ally. I got really good feedback from that and 11 of them even signed my petition there. This earned me $25/SpeakOUT $25. Not too shabby...
Now I'm preparing myself for a long weekend. The kids are off school tomorrow and Monday. Meaghan is going to a Cheerleader clinic for half the day tomorrow...which means I will be getting up very early again to have access to the car. Sigh! SOON we will be a 2 car family again. I hope we can afford the gas! LOL
Saturday I start my yoga class. I really want to like it, but I'm pretty grouchy about having to get up early for 6 straight Saturdays. ;o) We also have our SpeakOUT meeting on Saturday - rush, rush, rush. I think I need a vacation.
Until then...have a Happy Valentines (if you are coupled) or tell Cupid to 'Stick It' & be as bitter as you like (if you don't)!
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