My life as a Domestic Goddess...

I even braved my daughter’s room yesterday and cleaned it from top to bottom. I have to admit though that I chose this deplorable task because I could also watch a DVD from the library while doing it! So while I bravely reached under her bed and behind her book case, I was watching Pride & Prejudice – the Keira Knightley version from 2005. I really enjoyed it – that Jane Austin knows how to write! It certainly was no Sense & Sensibility, but I would still recommend it. In fact, if you were to watch nothing but the very last scene in the film - which is so ridiculously romantic that it will turn your heart and brain to mush - it will be worth your time! (Oh to be so adored as these women…) These movies make me laugh though. What women in her right mind would want to live in such an era? Your sole purpose is to marry well-off…and whenever there is a gentlemen caller, every woman in the house scurries to her position in the parlor to appear that all she does is cross-stitch her life away. LMAO
Back in the 21st century: I had to attend my son’s parent/teacher conference last night. Brandon is a very smart and curious little boy – but he is also unfocused and deadlines mean little in his world. He is also a chatter box! I decided to bring him to the conference this time so we could ask for his input on how to fix problems (like not turning in his homework). I don’t think it really helped. He just talked and talked about all sorts of random things. I don’t particularly feel that his teacher is the right one for him. She is very hands-off. The students decide which homework assignment to tackle, which words to study for their test and so forth. I think Brandon really needs more structure; which means I might ask that he be moved to a new room next year. Since he is in a multi-aged setting, this is not something that happens often. He is expected to be with the same teacher for 2 years.
We received our tax refund. It is such a relief to see money in our bank account again. Brian has (deservedly) been reaping the rewards. We went and bought him new glasses, new shoes and jeans. He has had the same glasses for 12 years! We splurged and bought him a pair of prescription sunglasses too. He is very excited to get them in about a week or so. I was a lucky recipient too – I replaced my old jacket with a new one. I had saved and saved to buy my old one. It was an Anne Klein pink, wool pea coat that was at Macy’s. I loved it! However, it being my only coat, I wore it to shreds. The outside looked OK, but the lining was just shredded! I bought a very similar one (same maker/style) but this one has a hood and is white. White! I think it looks very luxurious and stylish…but I’m the biggest klutz and I worry about the color. I bought it anyway and at a fantastic price ($48 including tax – marked down from $100). I hugged my old coat before tossing it…it was a good coat.
Now we get to focus on getting me a car. I dread the whole process – our credit isn’t sterling and this will be the first time we have to apply on our own…no co-signer. I can’t wait to have my own car again though! It will be a very happy day indeed.
Well, I need to get back to my new mistress – the laundry! Hope you are enjoying the beautiful snow.
DVD Worth your time: Fade to Red - The Tori Amos Video Collection
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