Stupid Humans...

I cannot stop picturing that poor thing laying on its side, kicking its feet in pain. I pulled over but Brian said there was nothing we could do. If we tried to approach it, the bird would probably attack us. I asked him if there was anything we could do to put it out of its misery - but short of running it over again, neither of us could stomach trying to break its neck or something. We did go back and drove by very slowly. I am pretty sure it had died. It was just so sad.
I'm the first person to say that geese in general are a stupid lot. I mean, why do they walk across a busy street when they could just fly? They also seem to be too stupid to care about the large, fast things whizzing by them as they take their sweet time crossing the street. Yet, I cannot stand to see an animal in pain. How can someone just mow one down - just because they can?!
Stupid Humans!

Every time I see a dead animal (domestic or not) on the street, I always say a little prayer for it and ask God to take it to heaven. I started doing that as a child and I still do it today. I think it all started when I was about 9, and my friends and I found a frozen cat in a ditch. (Seriously, it was totally frozen.) We were all so sad for it, so we dug a hole, held a little ceremony and buried it. I guess that's when I became warped when it comes to death and animals.
Anyhow...I'm too sad to write about happy things tonight. I'll write tomorrow.
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