Life on Avenue Q...

I tried to find the energy to get online last night, but I was just too tired. Avenue Q was so much fun! Brian and I really enjoyed it. I normally do not like seeing shows on opening night, but since the tickets were free - well, we couldn't be picky. It didn't matter though - there were only minor technical glitches. The biggest complaint I had about the show had nothing to do with the production; The Palace must have had the heat on full-blast because it was like an oven in there. (Maybe they were hoping to make a mint on bottled water during intermission!) The place was pretty much sold-out too, so we were packed in there like sardines! It made me feel very claustrophobic.
Getting back to the was hilarious! I already knew all the songs, but seeing them performed live just improved an already good thing. It was amazing to see the actors and puppets performing so flawlessly together. Sometimes one actor would play two puppets (or more) and it was awesome to see them flow from one character to the other in the same scene. Very cool! The ensemble cast was excellent too. They would take one puppet from an actor and stay in the scene so the main actor could play another role. It was like a complicated dance.

Anyhow, I would definitely recommend that you go check it out. We had a great time. They will be in town through the 13th and there are rush tickets available for only $25 two hours prior to the curtain.

Go see it...or it'll suck to be you!
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