Catching up...

This past weekend was a challenge. Friday I spent 2 1/2 hours ironing clothes! It was terrible...but no one else was going to do it, so I sucked it up and took care of it so my family could have clean, ironed clothing in their closets (instead of clean, wrinkled pieces crushed in a laundry basket). I spent the time watching DVD's - heads up: The Great New Wonderful is terrible! Despite a stellar cast, the life after 9/11 in NYC was long, boring and forgettable. Don't bother! I was able to save the night by watching 2 episodes of House from season three which I had not seen. I don't know what I'll do when I finally get caught up and see them all. (sigh)
Saturday I was so tired from ironing, cleaning and washing dishes the night before that I opted not to go to yoga. I regretted that later - but the extra sleep was nice. I had tons to do before our family went into three directions: I attended the JDRF Promise Ball (fundraiser) as a volunteer, Brian and Meg went to the Girl Scout Father/Daughter Dance and Brandon went to a sleepover (which turned into a play date when he called at 9:45 wanting to come home). It was a very hectic night - especially when you consider that we only have one car. I was proud to do my part at the JDRF ball, but I just get really emotional about Brandon's diabetes and it is hard for me to be really active. It's just too hard.
Sunday was Brandon's long-awaited birthday party! We had a great time. The bowling party was a huge hit. He loved that he got to take a real bowling pin home with him - which all his friends signed. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and it was a relaxing event. His Finding Nemo cake was really cute too. I'll post some photos soon.
Afterward we went to meet my Godfather, John, who was visiting from NY. I had not seen him in over a decade! It was really weird to see him - but he was the same as always. He is recently widowed, and he is very smitten by my divorced-mother. I think they make a great couple...although she isn't sold on the idea. He was so nice to her - pulling her chair out, opening her door. It was so nice to see a man treat my mother with respect and kindness. I'm rooting for him to win her over. He is exactly what she needs. He has money, is healthy, doesn't smoke or drink and they have a long past together. I feel they are well suited for one another. The thought of them being together doesn't bother me at all - is that weird? Can my father be so easily replaced??
Well, I've got tons to get going!
Have fun at the Q!
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