To not love this movie...would be illogical!

With rare exception, I usually end up seeing new movies about a month or so later than everyone it should not be too much of a surprise that it took me this long to finally see the new Star Trek film.
Upfront I should admit to the following:
1) I am first and foremost a Star Wars person. It was my father who liked Star Trek, and he & I would stay up to all hours watching the original cast in re-runs.
2.) If I am forced to choose a Trek then I am a Next Generation person.
3.) I think JJ Abrams is a genius and most everything he does rocks.
4.) Being the geek that I am, I honestly wanted to see this movie but I also felt going into it that it wouldn't be very good.
Forget what you "know" about prequels and "re-boots" because this film is awesome. It has excellent action, humor and just enough Trek cheesy goodness to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside afterward.
Zachary Quinto rocked my world with his portrayal of Spock. It is scary how much he resembles the original Spock. I honestly thought I would have a hard time seeing past his Sylar-ness (of Heroes)...but there was never an issue. He nailed it! Dare I say I even preferred him to Nimoy? (Sorry - but I did.) It also amused me that his hair moved! I mean, not once in a single TV episode or film did I ever see Nimoy's hair was lacquered to his skull! LOL
While I'm not sure the Trekkie in me can get over the romantic link they

Chris Pine made for an amusing James T Kirk who I grew to appreciate as the film progressed. I was happy that they made his character fodder for some comic relief. Sure he's an arrogant, ladies man and all the other things you'd expect Kirk to be - but again, he was his own man and was able to stand on his own two feet in Shatner's giant shadow.
As each of the original characters make their appearance on-screen the film got increasingly more interesting and entertaining. There were plenty of juicy one-liners and fan favorites like "I'm giving her all I've got Captain!" to keep the die-hards happy. Karl Urban's Bones and Simon Pegg's Scotty were clearly standouts...I only wish there had been more Scotty and sooner.
I also enjoyed spying some of JJ Abram's usual cast of characters peppered throughout the film in brief cameos (or in Greg Gunberg's case - voice overs, that was a tricky one!). It was like an Abram's drinking game! Spot the actors JJ likes to use in all his work and take a shot.
The weakest link, at least for me, was the bad guy - Romulan rogue Nero, adequately played by Eric Bana. I know! In the history of Star Trek you can always count on the Romulans to be the bad guy. They are the Nazi's of Trek film lore. But this guy just wasn't that scary or even that memorable to me. Give me The Borg any day or night. I also would have liked to see more of Kirk's time at Starfleet Academy.
I definitely recommend this film - even my husband who is not much into SciFi or Star Trek enjoyed it. The ending left me squirming in my seat for the sequel! Bring it on JJ...
I loved this movie too! I'm not a big Trek fan normally, but I thought it was great. I totally agree with everything you wrote, especially about the bad guy. He was lame.
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