Things that are wrong in this universe...

Pastor Rick Warren Appeals for Close to $1 Million in Donations for Saddleback Church - Sphere News
I saw this on AOL and it makes me sick! Just like our very own World Harvest Church/Rod Parsley cry for help...this showcases exactly what is wrong with organized religion. It is what gives "Christianity" a bad name.
I never bought into the whole paying your way to heaven scam...but there are plenty out there who do. I believe a person's actions not monetary donations will be the true test in the end. It doesn't stop these mega-churches though.
Why don't these pastors (who should be living a humble life) sell off their million dollar homes, expensive cars and boats to make up the missing money? Maybe they should stop running their own TV stations. The list goes on. It is such a scam and it angers me.
I once read an article in a magazine about a couple who needed financial help - they were spending more than they could bring in. One of the reasons was that they were giving like $300 a month to tithe at their church. The counselor advised them to dramatically reduce this amount until they could get caught up on their bills. They flat out refused...and tons of angry letters followed. I thought it was absolutely the right advise. These people couldn't pay their electric bill but they just doled out $300 to their church. Is this really what Jesus would want?
These "men of God" ought to be in jail. These Mega-Churches ought to be illegal. Until their flocks wake up and realized they are being duped, however, it never will happen.
God save us.
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