Toad: A concert full of 'Good Intentions'...

As is becoming tradition here at "What A Girl Wants," I'm fresh off another concert & ready to give my review! Tonight Brian and I went to see the 90's hit band, Toad the Wet Sprocket at the LC Pavillion. It was an outdoor show, which was a first for me at the LC (formerly known as Promowest Pavillion). For the bands performing, I think the venue was just the right size. The opening band was Big Head Todd & the Monsters, but neither Brian nor I are big fans. I was actually surprised at how many "Todd" fans there were in the audience. I actually even heard someone say that "Todd" was the reason they came! Freaks! Oh well, to each their own I suppose. As for Brian and myself, we tried to skip as much of the opening act as possible - but they played for what seemed like forever. Finally they gave up the stage to Toad...
After NIN & Melissa Etheridge, Toad had a lot to live up too. Unfortunately, they didn't quite succeed. They had annoying sound problems for about 3 songs and then finally settled into a nice set of classic Toad hits. (All I Want, Something's Always Wrong, Good Intentions, Come Back Down) Also, the two guitarists/background singers seemed flat on many of the songs.
Lead singer Glenn Phillips sounded great however! I even managed to enjoy a couple tunes off his current solo album, Mr. Lemons. Phillips treated the audience to a couple of accoustic numbers which I also greatly enjoyed. I was a tad annoyed when they "milked" the audience for an encore so we could finally hear Walk on the Ocean, but I love that song so it was worth it I suppose.
Overall, the concert was decent. The weather held out (no rain!) and it cooled down with a nice breeze. It was also a feast for those who love to people watch! We had more fun at the expense of the many yuppy men strolling about in their polos and khaki shorts (with sandals, 'natch!) with their second (re: trophy) wife tagging along. I am happy to say I've seen Toad live, but I'm even happier that my tickets were free! ;o) The concert served as a nice trip down memory lane. Still, I would probably have to say that I would have been just as happy to stay home and listen to my Toad retrospective album, PS.
A note to the management of the LC: Budweiser sucks...please stock some decent beer. Ditto on the Pepsi products.
A note to the two air-headed bimbos who plopped down right next to us just as the Toad show was beginning: If you want to talk - great - but how about taking your annoying, pointless babble to an area where other people aren't trying to hear the band! Ditto to those who can't spend an hour of their lives without texting someone on their cell phone.
Oh, here's the cute shirt I would have bought if I were not so poor:
( I wish they had it in green.)
Off to bed with me - Brian's already out like a light!
Nite all...
I saw Toad over 10 years ago with the Gin Blossoms. They were awesome. I was bummed that I couldn't go to that show...
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