Tuesday ramblings...

Tuesday morning and I'm feeling rather productive today. I'm determined not to crawl back into my bed! Instead I will finish cleaning out my stupid closet. I'm tired of having to step around all these little piles of crap on my floor - and Lord knows my husband isn't in any hurry to do it either. So today I will not waste my time - I will be productive!
I have been feeling more "up" since last week, which I am grateful for. I do that - I go through an "up" cycle and then find myself in a "down" one. I fear that makes me manic depressive...I hope I'm wrong. I am considering changing my meds though. (Thanks for the advice D!) I've felt for sometime now that what I'm on isn't working as well as it once did.
My daughter, who is now in 5th grade, is bringing home a lot more homework this year than we were used too in previous years. It seems like it takes her ages to get it all done. She switched over to a new school this year - which is a non-traditional one; they have combined classes (4/5 together) and they sit in groups instead of at their own desks - so maybe that has something to do with it. I'm struggling to help her come up with a good method of handling her work. She is so unlike me when it comes to school. I was an over-achiever and took it all very seriously. She is laid back and cares little about grades. It is very frustrating for me to deal with her.
Also, she is very literal. I was trying to help her study terms for her first science test - the word was "scrubbers" (in regards to reducing pollution) and I asked her, "When I say the word scrubbers, what do you think of?" She says, "Scrubbing". Um, OK. I tried again - "OK. When you are scrubbing, what are you doing?" (Hint, I was trying to get her to say "cleaning" - as in scrubbers clean the harmful pollution before it can be released into the air.) Instead she said, "washing". Argh! And so it went until I had to spell it out for her. Very frustrating.
Anyhow, I need to get myself off this computer before I forget to be productive. :o)
Fall TV:
New shows I've actually enjoyed (so far): The Big Bang Theory, Bionic Woman, Chuck, Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares (although the British version is much better - it airs at 5PM weekdays on BBC America)
New shows that I can't decide upon yet: Back to You, Journeyman
New shows that I wish I hadn't seen: Moonlight, Private Practise
New shows I haven't been able to watch yet, and wish I could: Reapers, Gossip Girl
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