Back From Vacation...

The trip went fairly well, although I was a bit under the weather for most of it. My stomach seemed determined to stay upset for the entire trip…but lots of Pepto pills and small meals seemed to help some. We took the kids back to Idlewild Amusement and Water Park in Ligonier, PA. They had a blast, although since this was the second trip in as many years, the magic had dulled a bit since the initial trip in 2007.
Brandon was a daredevil and rode all the roller coasters and every single water slide in sight. That kid has no fear. I was watching him go down these crazy slides and I realized how much I admired him for his bravery and willingness to try anything once. He attacks life at full force. Once back in the car, however, he snuggled in the back seat with his new stuffed (yet amazingly life-like) wiener dog who he named Huckleberry. I love that about him too. I love his sweetness and childlike wonder – he isn’t afraid to live in his fantasy world and invite you in to join him. He has a fantastic imagination and an endless curiosity about the world we live in. I wonder how many more months (years) I have left with this little boy – before he morphs into a pre-teen?
Speaking of pre-teens…Meaghan came out of her shell a bit during the vacation. Normally shy around strangers, she introduced herself to three girls about her age at the swimming pool in out hotel. They formed an immediate bond and spent the next hour or so immersed in dares, swimming tricks and giggles. I watched from afar and didn’t try to embarrass her. I decided to be a “cool mom” and I let her stay and extra half-an-hour while I took Brandon back to the room to get changed for bed. (Of course, this little move made me a “meanie” in Brandon’s opinion.) I further upped my cool factor by allowing her to meet up with her friends in the lobby for another hour. I still don’t think she can believe I said yes. At the next hotel in Pittsburg, she struck up a one-on-one conversation with a cute boy in that pool. They wadded along the side of the pool and talked forever. I tried not to spy – but was secretly proud of her. I looked at her and noticed that she wasn’t a little girl anymore. Like it or not, she looked much older and it was time for me to treat her that way too.

I also took them to the top of Mt. Washington by using the tram – another first. Brandon loved it – Meaghan was scared to death. It was a bittersweet trip for me. I took them to the very spot where, 12 years earlier, Brian had proposed to me. I always thought if I would come back to that place that it would be with him. Of course, everywhere I looked, I saw lovely couples that day – well, screw them! LOL I drew a heart with our initials on the post (in crayon…it will wash away, so don’t narc on me!). I really missed him that day. Later, I took the kids on a surprise trip back downtown! They were in their pajamas – their hair still wet from the pool – but I piled them into the car and drove them to see “the real city”. They squealed in delight when we came around the bend at saw Pittsburgh all lit up. I drove them up Mt. Washington this time and we all admired the view. My mother…long asleep in the hotel room…missed out on our secret adventure.

The last day of our vacation, we took the kids to the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. I can’t say it was the better of the two choices (the other being the Carnegie Museum of Science), but the kids loved it. They had a fantastic time creating art and climbing up the “limb bender” which is best described as a human ant farm which reaches three floors.
It was while we were at the museum that I noticed a phenomenon I like to call “new parent bliss”. Brandon and I were in the water room. He was making whirl pools at this big water table and I was just trying to not get drenched. I watched this family near us – a young, affluent husband and wife and their single ‘adorable’ offspring. They were so in love with this child (who was probably not quite two) that it oozed off of them and made them all look like a Hallmark commercial. Every movement this child made was watched in awe and celebrated. She splashed her tiny hand in the water! Thrilling!! Take a photo!! She pushed a boat! No other child had ever done that in the history of children! Quick! Take another photo!!
Their special moment reminded me of a quote I had read recently by a new celebrity mom who claimed to have developed the kind of “mad crush” on her newborn that was “like a first-love to a 13 year-old.” Her whole existence revolved happily around her tiny new baby. I’m not pointing fingers – Brian and I was the same when Meaghan first came into our lives. We have the video footage of her sleeping in her swing to prove it!
I’m not sure when this “phenomenon” wears off, but it does eventually. I looked around the room at the other families. Those with children a year (or more) older than the little girl I mentioned did not have that new baby shine. The parents looked like I felt…tired and running in five directions at once. The camera was tucked away in a pocket and they were just trying to keep junior from dumping a whole bucket of water on his sister’s head. The “blissful sheen” was gone. I watched the Hallmark family a little longer and felt a bit of sadness. I mourned the loss of that new parent sheen.
Anyhow…we returned safe and sound in time to celebrate the fourth of July with Brian.
Oh! Before I forget…we also stopped along the route to Pittsburgh to see the “World’s Largest Big Mac”! LOL Apparently the Big Mac was created in Uniontown, PA. It was a pretty huge statue of a Big Mac. The restaurant had a Big Mac museum too. (If you click on the link - it will take you to a flicker book of photos!)It was cool seeing all the old Big Mac sandwich containers again. :o) My dad would be proud to know I am continuing the tradition of dragging your kids to see the “World’s Biggest” whatever. Hey! I had to see a ball of yarn, tire and statue of Paul Bunyan!
I hope you all had a nice holiday!

I hope you all had a nice holiday!
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