I Want to Believe...that there is a better X-Files movie out there!

Last night my mother took me to see the latest (and hopefully not last) X-Files movie, The X-Files: I Want to Believe. As a hardcore fan, I was very excited about the release of this film. After many years in legal limbo, we were finally going to get a new Mulder & Scully fix!
Unfortunately, I must agree with the lukewarm reviews the film has been receiving. This film is definitely a must-see for fans only. Creator Chris Carter claims this “stand alone” film can be enjoyed by anyone, but if you are not familiar with the series then you will miss out on many enjoyable references to the show’s glory days. There are many Easter Eggs throughout the film for keen observers – a victim’s car has the license plate: Roxwell; and Mulder’s cell phone lists “Gillian” as one of his stored numbers to list two examples.
Carter wanted to make a film which did not deal with The X-Files’ mythology, so I Want to Believe (IWTB) doesn’t have a single extra-terrestrial element…other than one of the new FBI agents mentioning Mulder’s sister’s abduction by “E.T.” I didn't mind this concept in theory - after all some of my favorite episodes were stand alones. However, this film doesn't make the cut. Don’t head into the theatre hoping to get closure on any of the questions that the series left open in its final season. Although there is a very brief discussion between Mulder & Scully about son William, IWTB doesn’t deliver any new information on that topic either. Missing too are familiar faces from the show – like the Lone Gunmen. The film runs on a snail’s pace and never fully develops a villain whom the audience feels threatened by or even scared of frankly.
The good news is that Duchovny and Anderson have no trouble bringing Mulder & Scully back – including their great chemistry which made them so spellbinding. As a fan, I was easily swept up in every moment the two shared on screen. That’s why it’s too bad that they are rarely in the same scene save for a handful of moments. They are both older and their characters have matured with time – but it’s still Mulder & Scully up there and I’d pay to see that anytime.
Unfortunately, I must agree with the lukewarm reviews the film has been receiving. This film is definitely a must-see for fans only. Creator Chris Carter claims this “stand alone” film can be enjoyed by anyone, but if you are not familiar with the series then you will miss out on many enjoyable references to the show’s glory days. There are many Easter Eggs throughout the film for keen observers – a victim’s car has the license plate: Roxwell; and Mulder’s cell phone lists “Gillian” as one of his stored numbers to list two examples.
Carter wanted to make a film which did not deal with The X-Files’ mythology, so I Want to Believe (IWTB) doesn’t have a single extra-terrestrial element…other than one of the new FBI agents mentioning Mulder’s sister’s abduction by “E.T.” I didn't mind this concept in theory - after all some of my favorite episodes were stand alones. However, this film doesn't make the cut. Don’t head into the theatre hoping to get closure on any of the questions that the series left open in its final season. Although there is a very brief discussion between Mulder & Scully about son William, IWTB doesn’t deliver any new information on that topic either. Missing too are familiar faces from the show – like the Lone Gunmen. The film runs on a snail’s pace and never fully develops a villain whom the audience feels threatened by or even scared of frankly.

Warning – if you are a “noromo” X-Files fan (that’s code for ‘No Romance’ over on the X-Files community board), you’ll probably hate this film. Being a “shipper” (as in Relationship
supporter between Mulder & Scully) since the first season, I was finally rewarded during this film. SPOLIER ALERT! It turns out that though they are not married, they have been living together for the past six years. You get to see them as a couple finally. She tells him that she loves him and they share many hand holding, kissy-face moments. Swoon!
I really wanted this film to succeed, but I’m not sure it will be the commercial success that 20th Century Fox will want in order to make more X-Files films. There were only about 30 people at the screening we went to last night (and this was opening night!). My mother was very disappointed in the movie. While I wasn’t buzzing with excitement as we left the theatre, I wouldn’t say it was a bad movie. It is worth seeing and fans of the show will leave wanting more. The truth is still out there and I hope, if they get the chance, that they will make the movie everyone was hoping this one would be.

I really wanted this film to succeed, but I’m not sure it will be the commercial success that 20th Century Fox will want in order to make more X-Files films. There were only about 30 people at the screening we went to last night (and this was opening night!). My mother was very disappointed in the movie. While I wasn’t buzzing with excitement as we left the theatre, I wouldn’t say it was a bad movie. It is worth seeing and fans of the show will leave wanting more. The truth is still out there and I hope, if they get the chance, that they will make the movie everyone was hoping this one would be.
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I'm one of those "noromo" fans.
OH MY STARS. You have to be shitting me.
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