LK Hamilton &*%# it up...again!

My only excuse is that the story is supposed to focus on one of my favorite characters in the long-running Anita Blake stories: Jason, Jean-Claude's pomme de sang. It's about damned time that he got some attention! (Plus I got it at the it wasn't like I paid for it!)
But I see that nothing has changed. Sadly it only takes LK 13 pages to write in her first sex-scene...even less than that for her to concentrate on the topic itself. What the hell? What happened to LK? Go back and read Guilty Pleasures or a number of her other earlier books. There was an actual story. Now it's all about how many sex scenes she can cram into a "novel" and still not have it land in the porn store instead of the book store. Pathetic! (And a waste of talent...) Plus, I am just sick of wasted pages describing Anita's past fucks, boyfriends and true loves. OK we got it already. Ick...
Does LK not trust that her audience can handle actual dialogue or plot which doesn't have something to do with Anita being fucked? Or has she so little faith in her ability to write a book without the sex that she isn't even trying anymore? I had heard that she took her fan's dislike for the sex-heavy tomes to heart...but it doesn't seem like it too me. It is so tiresome to me already (and I've barely even begun to get to the point of the story) that I am not sure I am even going to be able to make it through this book. I guess I haven't yet learned my lesson - but I'm getting there.
Read this at your own risk...or if you are unable to get to the local porn store for your Penthouse Letters fix.
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