This...and that
Since the last time I wrote, I have now been basically turned loose as a "regular" employee at my new job. In other words, if I screw up, there is no safety net. I started my permanent hours (8:30 AM - 5:30 PM) too. From what I understand, I have been released from training pretty quickly and I have gotten many positive comments about my performance so far. I still like the job, but I'm quickly wondering how I could possibly stay there for years. By the end of the week, my back and neck are killing me from sitting at a computer 8 hours a day. By 3:30PM my eyes are shot, and three fingers on my right hand start going to sleep too!
I'm happy to say that I have made a couple of new friends there. I sit away from everyone else in my department - right next to our boss - so I'm still sort of a mystery to everyone. I just sit in my cubicle and listen to my tunes while I work. I don't have much opportunity to chat...but I'm making an effort to be friendly.
I actually got a few things accomplished this weekend. While at the winter fundraiser for my son's school yesterday, I actually won a silent auction! I was able to buy a $200 birthday party at Buckeye Gymnastics for $60. Since my son's 9th b-day is in 3 weeks, it is perfect timing! I think I'm more excited about it than he is! LOL We even managed to come up with a birthday list and things are rolling along smoothly. Brian and I watched the first episode of True Blood (I had it on a DVD) and I enjoyed that. We also watched The Departed...ugh! I cannot believe that this movie was up for an Oscar. Sure, everyone and their mother was in it...but it was so long and just not that good. I also registered Meaghan for soft ball. This is her third straight season. It is a big time commitment - but she is getting pretty good at it.

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