
I'm in love!! While waiting for my hubby to pick us up from the dollar movie ("Just My Luck" - which you'll count yourself lucky to miss this me!), the kids and I stopped in at Petland. Normally I'll have some good-natured fun with the kids, play with the pups in the visitor's stalls and then off I go without a second thought. First of all, I don't like the living conditions of the pets in these stores and I've heard enough horror stories about puppy mills that I don't want to encourage that either. Plus, as cute and adorable as these pets are, who would pay $1,000 for a family dog?! Especially when the pounds are full of animals in need of a good home...but I digress. Getting back to my point -- being in love:
There he was - the doggie in the 2nd lower window. He looked up at me from behind these fluffy pieces of fur, with the saddest eyes I've ever seen on a dog. I crouched down to his level and smiled at him, but he just looked at me cautiously. Finally he approached the window and I knew I had to get him out of that crate. I spent the next 30 minutes falling head-over-heels for the lovable pooch - who is a Goldendoodle (a mix of a Poodle and Golden Retriever). Apparently poodles don't shed (read: allergy friendly) and therefore are great to mix breeds with. I had no idea that there was such a thing and just snickered over the name...doodle! :o) I mean, when I last had a dog (my childhood dog, Mindy, who we owned for 17 years - I still miss her) a "mixed breed" was a I guess I'm supposed to call this Doodle Dog a "designer breed." Anyhow, the pup looked very much like Sandy from the 80's version of the movie "Annie." (I admit it...I sang the 'Sandy' song to him and even referred to him by the name Sandy! Yes, I need professional help. LOL)
I just can't get over this dog. It was like we had some cosmic connection. I don't normally like long haired dogs, but this one won me over instantly. I have repeatedly sworn that when we get a dog, that it must be a small/medium sized one (think Beagle) and this pup is already this size at only 10 weeks of age. What can I say?! The Doodle won my heart with the flick of his tail. He was playful, yet calm. No barking or hyperness - just a sweet temperment and he seemed to easily understand simple commands. Plus he was a complete snuggle bunny. He seemed totally at home curled up in my lap. He was like my new little baby.
Unfortunately, Sandy cost $1288.99! I can't even imagine paying that...even for Sandy, the amazing Doodle dog. It tore up my heart to leave him behind, but there was just no way I could pay that much. I hope he finds a good home...he is such a sweetie. So now I am looking for my very own doodle online to adopt. There seems to be some available out there - I just have to keep looking for one nearby. (*By the way, the photos I'm posting here are not of my Sandy, but of another Doodle who looks very similar...look at that face! Awwwww!)
Yeah, Petland is just terrible when it comes to their policies and procedures. And their prices are outrageous! I know several people who have worked there and they get most of their dogs from puppy mills.
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