A block away to a new life...

I was just about to turn in for the evening, but I wanted to share some good news that happened today...
We are moving! Unfortunately it's not to Oregon as we had been talking/dreaming about, but just a block up the road actually. Still, this is fantastic news for us. I've been wanting out of our current place for at least 2 years now, but we could never find a big enough place that we could afford. In fact, being stuck here has only contributed to my depression...I'm confident that this place has bad karma! I've had my eye on this new home for months, hoping the owner would decide not to sell it but instead rent it out. Today my prayers were answered - we signed the lease (and at the price we needed)! Our move in date will be August 14th. I'll be sure to contact everyone privately with my new information.
Our new place is a half double with three bedrooms and a basement! That means Meg & Brandon will get their own rooms finally and we will have a huge backyard for them to play in. I am hoping the extra space and privacy will keep the kids from fighting as much. The short move will also mean that the kids can still play with their current friends and remain in the same schools. This place is much nicer and larger than where we currently live - it is going to make a big difference in our lives (or at least that is how I feel). Our current rental is just too small! We are always in each other's faces with nowhere to escape too for a bit of privacy.
Of course now my head is full of ideas. I want to toss all our old stuff and move in with new furniture, and I already have several small improvements in mind! You know me - never fully happy. :o) We are overlapping our move-in date and our move-out date from our current place by a week. That should make life a bit more bareable...plus it is literally a block away so that is helpful too. The following week the kids go back to school. Money will be tighter than ever, but I can't help but be positive about these changes coming up in my life.
17 days! I have a billion things to do...how will I ever sleep now?
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