Put on a happy face...

(This was written on Wednesday...)
You’ve got to love that sunny weather out there! I wish it would last, but I hear that rain is in the forecast for the rest of the week. I just came in from finishing off the shoveling of the sidewalks in front of our house and our neighbors. There were still some sections that had about a ¼” of ice or more hiding under all that slush. Too bad I just can’t morph into my alter ego and use my “control elements” to melt it. LOL That would ROCK! Oh well, I needed the work out anyway!
So some good news to share – remember that visit I mentioned regarding the sheriff from the civil division department? Well, he returned and as it turns out he wasn’t interested in me at all! He was looking for the guy who used to live here. Oh my God! What a relief. It was the very best news ever. I know that doesn’t mean that those assholes from the collection agency still won’t eventually decide to contact me, but at least I know that I can still hope**.
Monday was a great day. Brian took a mental health day and we got to spend the whole day alone! After I got the kids off to school, I snuck back under the covers and we slept in as late as we wanted. We tackled the house chores as a team and finished in record time. We even managed to sneak in some, er, adult recreation time! :o) Then we went up to Polaris to exchange some shirts at Brooks Brothers. Brian’s brother works there and he gave us shirts as presents over the holidays, but they were the wrong size. It was sort of fun because we would never in a million years shop there otherwise. My button down oxford shirt cost $79 (before the employee discount)! What a ridiculous waste of money…
It was just so awesome to be alone for the whole day. I love my kids, but they just suck every last ounce of energy from me. Being at the mall alone with Brian was a real treat. We visited stores we like and I even got to play the new Nintendo Wii at EB Games. It was actually quite hard. It takes a big learning curve to figure out how to maneuver with the two “joy sticks”. Just when I thought I had my sword out, it turns out that I suddenly had my bow instead. I also had a hard time getting the character on screen to “look” where I wanted him too. It was different though and fun. I liked the fishing game – it was easy to figure out. LOL
Brian and I had lunch together and just walked around holding hands and being disgustingly cute. It is times like these that I know our relationship is actually good and strong – we just have to figure out how to keep those feelings around when we are overstressed about money, the kids and everything else life throws our way.
Friday night we took the kids to see the final OSU men’s hockey game. (Thanks to the free tickets we got from Brian’s work!) They were playing Michigan so of course the stakes were high for us to beat them. It was an awesome game. With less than 2 minutes left in the game we scored and won 6-5. There was a huge fight after the game ended – both benches cleared and goalies even got into it. Coaches from both teams had to go fetch their players because the refs were basically useless. Sweet! I really enjoy the team spirit of the college games. The band is there and the crowd really gets worked up. It reminds me of the good old days of The Chill.
I ran into my old boss from Wasserstrom, Mike T., at the game. Wow! He looked so much older to me. He even had little tufts of grey hair on the sides of his head. LOL Still, it was so great to see him again. I used to have lunch with him every now and then and keep in touch, but I hadn’t emailed him in a while. It is so hard to believe it has been at least 4 years since I worked with him. Mike was a great boss but an even better friend. I really miss seeing him every day.
I’ve been bitten by the spring cleaning bug this week. I actually feel motivated to tackle things…and I’m writing my “to do” lists again. I think the stress of the last part of 2006 and early 2007, has finally lifted. I feel better – more optimistic. I’m looking forward to our mini-vacation in a few weeks. We are taking the kids to one of those indoor water parks. We will only be gone two nights, but it will be really nice to not be in Columbus.
This weekend we are using some free movie passes to go see Zodiac. Brian loves true crime movies/books and he has read many regarding the Zodiac killings. I just really love Jake Gyllenhaal and that was enough of an excuse for me to agree to go see it. (Did you see the February GQ? Jake is looking all sorts of fine on the cover and inside!) Oh, Robert Downey Jr. is in the movie too – and despite his bad boy rep, I still love him. We are going to have an early dinner and go to the show this Sunday…no kids! I think I see a reoccurring theme here…
Talk to you all soon!
**Not even an hour after I wrote this yesterday, I went out to get my mail. Guess what was inside my mailbox?! Another fucking summons from the credit collectors! Bastards! It is the same summons they sent me in November 07. Grrrrrrrrrrr
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