The Weekend Update...

The concert was at Skully’s – a place I’ve seen tons of times but have never been inside of. It was larger than I thought and a good place to see a small show. It only cost $5 to go in and Brian drank the beer special (PBR for a buck) and I had my usual coke – so it was a cheap evening. The only annoying thing was that the band was late. We got there at 10:30 and the opening act didn’t even get onstage until 11:15. I wish they had just skipped to WP…Blatant Finger was just blatantly bad. The band spent more time tuning the base and knocking back beers than singing. When they weren’t hurling insults at the crowd, they attempted to perform. They reminded me mostly of the band, Jimmy Eats World. A very long hour later, WP finally took the stage. I’m glad to say that WP was as handsome as ever and just as much fun to see live. He has a very sexy stage persona and calls everyone baby or sweets! LOL I missed his zoot suit, but he still looked nice in his regular suit. There were a few people there to swing dance too. It was a fun but late night.
The next day Brandon had a birthday to attend at the very popular Pump It Up (PIU). PIU, for all you people out there without a child under 10, is a huge warehouse with inflatable slides and bouncy houses in it. Its great fun for a child of 6 or 7, that is for sure. Meaghan went to see “Deck the Halls” at the dollar movie with my poor, poor mother. (HA! At least it wasn’t me!). So Brian and I snuck off the Der Dutchman Restaurant in Plain City to sample their homemade pies while Brandon was in bouncy heaven. It was a nice quiet afternoon with just him and me – bliss!
Then yesterday I ended up spending the majority of the day alone. I went to represent my group, SpeakOUT, at fancy luncheon in the statehouse. It was a celebration for the GLBT and allied communities regarding the outcome of the elections. Everyone was there – and even the new Governor and Lt. Governor turn up. It was very inspiring to hear our newly elected state officials speaking “our language” for a change. Ohio has been a red state for too long. The lady they hired to sing broke out into “Happy Days Are Here Again” when Gov. Strickland showed up – indeed she is right! The food was great and I saw many friends. Afterward I ran errands and visited my mother for a bit.
Speaking of my group – don’t forget that we are hosting the screening of Tying the Knot (a 2004 documentary about marriage equality) at the Wexner Center tomorrow (1/16) evening. The event kicks off at 8PM in the lobby of Mershon Auditorium. A few friends of mine and I will be holding a panel discussion and there will be free coffee and dessert too. Did I mention it was free??!! Well it is, so get out there and come say hello to me!
Also, check out my latest article to be published in The Outlook Weekly – It is in the Dec 28-Jan10 (Vol. 11 No 29) issue. My article is on page 15 as part of the feature story.
Need to run…hope you all had a nice weekend too.
Random site to visit for something funny: It features a funny guy named Rob Paravonian – a You Tube superstar for good reason. :o)
i am SOOOOO very sorry for not being there last night for the movie 01/16. i had a dentist appt. earlier and after being drilled wasn't up for it. i hope it was a smash hit for you :-)
ps. tell the family i said hey
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