Weird Al Rocked My World!

Hey all ~ last Wednesday my dear friend Jessie D. took me to see Weird Al Yankovic at the Ohio State Fair. Honestly, I didn't know exactly what to expect...but if I had to guess what it might be like to see him live, then I'd go with something along the lines of a stand up comedy show. I can't believe how wrong I was!
He put on a straight up rock show. Seriously people...he actually rocked! Lasers, exploding confetti, 7 TV screens, about 15 different costume changes (including the "Fat" body suit!) and jammin' dance moves! It was a feast for both the eyes and ears. Plus it was plain damned hysterical. My face hurt afterwards from smiling for two hours straight.
I can't stress just how great this show was. Go see it for yourself if you ever get the chance - you won't be sorry.
It was rather surreal being there - I mean, the place was packed with people of all ages. I honestly didn't think that many people liked him. The long line of at least 50 people, which stretched across a good portion of the floor, to buy "White & Nerdy" t-shirts and hoodies proved me wrong! Plus, kudos to Al and his band for hooking us up with our favorite songs (me - "Yoda"/ Jessie - "Amish Paradise") while in full costume. My only regret was not being able to get us backstage for the meet and greet. Maybe next time!
I've been a fan of Al's since the early 80's - heck, I still have some of his earlier hits on 45's (you know - the "little records" LOL), but I had never seen him in concert before this past week. Actually, I was feeling down because once again he was in town and I just didn't have the money to go check him out live. So I want to thank Jessie for thinking of me when she scored two free tickets. THANK YOU Jess!!!! (And thank you even more for dating a chick with no taste in good music - hee hee)
Well, seeing Al was easily the highlight of my week. I forgot just how much fun it can be to blow off the rest of my responsibilities and hang out with a good friend at a concert. I had also forgotten how much I loved Weird Al...thanks to my post concert buzz, I dug out my old Al tapes and have been listening to them all week. You know, I just can't get enough of his polka medleys!
Gotta run...
Wow. I didn't even know that guy was still alive. And I really don't know very much about him.
I remember hearing "Amish Paradise" a couple times, though. It was pretty funny.
I really wanted to go to that show but we really didn't have the extra time and $.
I'm glad you had fun!
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