New look - same me

At long last I am able to post again...
So much has been happening in my life over the past month or so. I've wanted to find the time to share it with you all, dear readers, and hopefully I will be able to do so more frequently now.
Let's start off with the obvious - yes, I've changed the look of my blog. In fact, I'll probably tweak it even more. I hope you like the change. I've also changed the name of my blog. I must credit local band, Saving Jane, with the title however. While I am not a huge S.J. fan, I recently heard their newest song and thought it was perfect for me. I do feel like a one girl revolution most of the I hope they don't mind me using the title.
There is so much to write, but let's keep it light for tonight. I spent the evening with my aunt and her daughter. We went to see the new Transformers movie. I was surprised that they wanted to see it, actually. I, on the other hand, have been crazy to see it ever since I saw the teaser trailer for it last year. I admit it freely - I'm a geek. I loved Transformers as a kid - as in I had the poster on my wall way longer than it was cool to do so; I own the vinyl record of the original movie soundtrack; I still have the entire collection of the original comics and a box full of the original toys (played with but still in their original boxes) in my basement. Yes...I'm that kind of geek. Be afraid. LOL
What can I say about the movie? I loved it! I was really worried about it being too cheesy, especially when I learned it would be live action and not animated. I needn't have worried. Visually - it was a spectacular feast. The special effects were jaw dropping in some places. The humor in the script wasn't too over the top and there was plenty of inside humor to please us old timers. The humans were pretty entertaining as well.
I have always been a Decepticon girl, so I must say I was disappointed in the total lack of personalities given to the Decepticons in the movie. They did a decent job on the Autobots while the Decepticons were just blank, fit-the-bill "bad guys". Boo hiss! I wasn't too upset that they changed Megatron's "weapon" form though. They didn't have him transform into a handgun - which I always thought was lame anyway. At least Starscream (my personal favorite) had a couple cool scenes.
My only other complaint was that there was so much going on during the fight scenes that it was often hard to decipher who was who. It wasn't easy to determine who the Autobots were versus the Decepticons when they were in robot form. I also wish they gave more background story on the robots too. Well, there's always the sequel & considering that it raked in 27.4 million dollars on its opening day - beating "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" who previously held the record - you can bet there will be one.'s late and I must be up early. Check back soon.
I haven't seen the movie yet. 2 of my male friends gave it a thumbs down...
My one friend who saw this movie said it was the best movie ever but I doubt I will be seeing it any time soon. Welcome back to blogging!
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