Dan In Real Life

Yesterday was my husband's birthday - 43! Over the past few years, we have gotten into a rather bad habit of not really celebrating our birthdays - or our anniversary - because we just never have the money. It makes us both cranky (more me than him) but sometimes you just have to do without. We make sure the kids have a nice birthday, but we just didn't seem as important. Well, I have made an executive life decision - fuck that! We are important too and we should celebrate our milestones as well. So this year, I made sure to make my hubby's birthday a good one.
I bought him real presents! (Johnette Napolitano - of Concrete Blonde fame - solo CD and a Cincinnati Red's t-shirt from the kids.) Then I happened to score 4 free passes to the sneak preview of Steve Carell's new movie, "Dan In Real Life." We had a nice dinner at Red Robin (where he was able to use his free b-day burger coupon), he opened his presents and then we all went to the movie. Afterwards we came home and enjoyed the birthday cake that I had made for him. :o) It was a nice evening and I can tell that Brian was happy - which made me happy too.
I can't say enough good things about "Dan In Real Life". Maybe the fact that Brian enjoyed it so much that he didn't fall asleep is praise enough. LOL The trailers out for the movie make it seem like a silly Steve Carell family movie. Yet, it is actually a movie intended for grown-ups. Not that it has nudity and profanity - but that the humor is for grown ups (especially those of us in our thirties and who are parents). This film really had great humor and touching scenes. Steve plays a widower with three daughters. He by chance meets a woman in a book store and falls for her...I won't tell you more so it won't ruin any surprises - but the film focuses mainly on that romance and not the kids. The music is good too. There were points when I was almost crying from laughter and others where I was almost crying out of sympathy for Dan. Steve Carell kicks ass as an actor. He is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. Although there are some slow points in the film, I would still totally recommend it. I think it comes out the end of this month.
Well, I was very productive the past couple of days - even steam cleaning my living room carpet finally - but my closet is still not finished...bad me. It's like I don't want to face all those little piles of crap. LOL Seriously, I have shoe boxes and plastic containers filled with all sorts of shit. Logically I know if I haven't missed what is in those boxes over the past 6 months, then I shouldn't even open them...I should just toss it in the garbage. Yet I can't! What if there is something in there that I need? God! I sound like a hoarder...but I promise I am not that bad.
Just too darned sentimental for my own good.
Well, I am hoping to get that finished today. (Crosses fingers!) I'd best get off here and get going in my own "real life". ;o)
I didn't realize our husbands' birthdays were so close! Larry's birthday is tomorrow!
Tell your hubby we said happy belated :)
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