In the zone...

Wednesday, I finally bought the kids all the appropriate dress clothes and shoes so I could take their holiday photos. I was pleased with the end product. But everyone will have to wait until the 18th for me to complete my Christmas cards - because that is when the photos will be ready. At least the pictures are taken and the cards & stamps have been purchased! (Something I couldn't say a week ago...) Then I stayed up until midnight baking brownies for my daughter to take to school because...
Thursday was my daughter's 11th birthday. We got her a DVD for her room. I was against it originally, I didn't have my own TV (let alone a DVD player) until I was 16!!, but after considering that she could now watch High School Musical until her eyes bleed - all in the seclusion of her own room - well, that did appeal to me! LOL So we got her one - but then ended up having to by some adapter on top of the cost of the player...long story short is that her "cheap" DVD player ended up costing us $42. Grrr.
Thursday, I also went on a class field trip with my son Brandon. Even thought it was only about 28 degrees outside and snowing, we still marched around Ohio Village and learned all about different holiday traditions. I always have to accompany Brandon on school trips because of his diabetes. This year I was also watching over the other diabetic student in his class. Both the boys were good, however, and we had no issues. I was reminded, though, how much I hate the school bus. I don't know how those drivers can stand the constant noise...I'd go postal!
Saturday, Meg had her first ever cello recital. So I got her all dressed up and she did a nice job. She has only been playing for 3 months now - so they didn't use their bow...just plucked the strings. Still, I was beaming with pride.
Sunday was Meg's birthday party at Skate Zone 71. I had 9 roller skating divas for 2 1/2 hours. It actually went very smoothly - and I couldn't help but be pleased that the party had cost me "nothing". Meg had won this party package back at the Easter gathering for CODA (Central Ohio Diabetes Association). So we got a $120 birthday party for free! Of course, nothing is free and after I got home I sat down with all the receipts (for the cake, gift bags, gifts) and it turns out our "free" party cost me $121! Yikes....I thought I was being thrifty too!
This week promises to be busy too - but it will be a picnic (I hope) compared to last week. Tomorrow I have to take Meg & Brandon to the Hannah Montana concert! Can't wait to share all about that...
Current Obsession: All things Hugh Laurie.
I can't believe how much they've grown. PS... I love Hugh Laurie too.
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