Living my life with my head on my pillow...

File this under pathetic; but I’ll take it: The best kiss I’ve had in ages came last night in a dream.
Long time readers will know that I’ve got quite an active dream life…it certainly is more interesting, at times, than my real one. My dreams are often odd yet vivid. They are fluid…one running into another… and I remember most of them.
Last night started out with a dream about my family (Mom, Dad and I) moving even though we were on vacation too. Half our furniture was being stored at a hotel with a water park in it! Okay… Then I was in this weird village which reminded me of a local suburb, Grandview. I was riding bikes with kids but I was an adult. I kept trying to play referee to a bunch of squabbles. Eventually I found myself in a recreation room where summer school was taking place…but it was filled with babies, adults and all sorts of aged kids. No one would pay attention to the single teacher at the front of the room and I was annoyed. I also remember that my mother-in-law was in this dream. She had 3 babies, but she only half-dressed them and threw them around. One girl was scalped! Yikes.
Finally, I found myself at a movie premiere. I was there with my young cousin, who was in the movie. I was recently pregnant (not showing yet) too. I was hanging around with my other relatives when I noticed Zach Braff sitting next to my cousin. Apparently he was in the movie with her! Being a huge Zach Braff fan, I ran over and told him that I often sent him messages on his MySpace page. Um, hello – geek alert! Mortified by my “uncool factor”, I slinked away to save face. Determined to talk to Zach again, I used my little cousin to end up sitting behind him. He was friendly, but obviously not interested. He had on a vintage t-shirt which was sky blue. I could tell it was a favorite of his because it looked soft and worn. We made small chit chat while awaiting the main star of the movie – Little Romeo! If you don’t know who this is, count yourself among the lucky. He is one of those “Disney Channel kids”…that’s all you really need to know.
So Little Romeo shows up and drops his oversized bucket hat on my head! It had speakers in it and there was a cool alternative rock song playing – which is so unlikely since the hat belonged to Little Romeo. (LOL) Anyhow, Zach heard the music and turned around in his seat to ask me the name of the song. Before I could answer that I had no clue because the hat didn’t belong to me, Zach sort of “climbed under” the hat with me! I can only best describe this scene like this: remember when you were a kid and you would play with a parachute in gym class? Everyone would lift the parachute and then rush underneath and sit on it – creating a weird little igloo of sorts? Well, that was us – in our own weird little igloo – but under a bucket hat.
So Zach and I were snuggled very close and I remember that he smelled really nice. I rested my cheek on his arm which was slung over the back of the chair - and I was right about the shirt being soft. We enjoyed the music and the noise from the crowd around us fell away. I cautiously placed my hand on top of his and was happy that he didn’t seem to mind. Next thing I know he sort of twisted around in his chair to face me. He slid his hand under my shirt and I clearly remember sucking in my gut and sitting up straight in fear that he would feel my pudgy gut or something! (Sigh – even in my dreams I need to loose weight!) We spent the next few minutes just running our hands under each other’s shirts…nothing X-rated mind you – just on the stomach or side. His skin was soft and warm…growl!
Then he was kissing me. It was the most perfect kiss – soft but full, hungry but not sloppy! I could feel that kiss from the top of my head down to my toes. His mouth was perfect…those full lips fit perfectly on mine. Pure heaven! It was at that moment the film started and he had to turn around – the parachute collapsed and the igloo sensation popped. He gave me a meaningful look and my heart felt all warm and fuzzy. Sigh!
So that was my dream – and the best kiss I’ve had in ages. After being married for 11 years, kissing my dear hubby feels more like kissing a friend. He gives me a short, functional peck and it is usually on my head.
What I wouldn’t give for a real-life Zach Braff style kiss…
Long time readers will know that I’ve got quite an active dream life…it certainly is more interesting, at times, than my real one. My dreams are often odd yet vivid. They are fluid…one running into another… and I remember most of them.
Last night started out with a dream about my family (Mom, Dad and I) moving even though we were on vacation too. Half our furniture was being stored at a hotel with a water park in it! Okay… Then I was in this weird village which reminded me of a local suburb, Grandview. I was riding bikes with kids but I was an adult. I kept trying to play referee to a bunch of squabbles. Eventually I found myself in a recreation room where summer school was taking place…but it was filled with babies, adults and all sorts of aged kids. No one would pay attention to the single teacher at the front of the room and I was annoyed. I also remember that my mother-in-law was in this dream. She had 3 babies, but she only half-dressed them and threw them around. One girl was scalped! Yikes.
Finally, I found myself at a movie premiere. I was there with my young cousin, who was in the movie. I was recently pregnant (not showing yet) too. I was hanging around with my other relatives when I noticed Zach Braff sitting next to my cousin. Apparently he was in the movie with her! Being a huge Zach Braff fan, I ran over and told him that I often sent him messages on his MySpace page. Um, hello – geek alert! Mortified by my “uncool factor”, I slinked away to save face. Determined to talk to Zach again, I used my little cousin to end up sitting behind him. He was friendly, but obviously not interested. He had on a vintage t-shirt which was sky blue. I could tell it was a favorite of his because it looked soft and worn. We made small chit chat while awaiting the main star of the movie – Little Romeo! If you don’t know who this is, count yourself among the lucky. He is one of those “Disney Channel kids”…that’s all you really need to know.
So Little Romeo shows up and drops his oversized bucket hat on my head! It had speakers in it and there was a cool alternative rock song playing – which is so unlikely since the hat belonged to Little Romeo. (LOL) Anyhow, Zach heard the music and turned around in his seat to ask me the name of the song. Before I could answer that I had no clue because the hat didn’t belong to me, Zach sort of “climbed under” the hat with me! I can only best describe this scene like this: remember when you were a kid and you would play with a parachute in gym class? Everyone would lift the parachute and then rush underneath and sit on it – creating a weird little igloo of sorts? Well, that was us – in our own weird little igloo – but under a bucket hat.
So Zach and I were snuggled very close and I remember that he smelled really nice. I rested my cheek on his arm which was slung over the back of the chair - and I was right about the shirt being soft. We enjoyed the music and the noise from the crowd around us fell away. I cautiously placed my hand on top of his and was happy that he didn’t seem to mind. Next thing I know he sort of twisted around in his chair to face me. He slid his hand under my shirt and I clearly remember sucking in my gut and sitting up straight in fear that he would feel my pudgy gut or something! (Sigh – even in my dreams I need to loose weight!) We spent the next few minutes just running our hands under each other’s shirts…nothing X-rated mind you – just on the stomach or side. His skin was soft and warm…growl!
Then he was kissing me. It was the most perfect kiss – soft but full, hungry but not sloppy! I could feel that kiss from the top of my head down to my toes. His mouth was perfect…those full lips fit perfectly on mine. Pure heaven! It was at that moment the film started and he had to turn around – the parachute collapsed and the igloo sensation popped. He gave me a meaningful look and my heart felt all warm and fuzzy. Sigh!
So that was my dream – and the best kiss I’ve had in ages. After being married for 11 years, kissing my dear hubby feels more like kissing a friend. He gives me a short, functional peck and it is usually on my head.
What I wouldn’t give for a real-life Zach Braff style kiss…
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