What's on my mind...
Instead, I took a long ride and returned all our library books/videos to three different libraries. It was a waste of gas – but I just didn’t want to be home. I took Daisy and we hit the road with all the windows rolled down. I wish I could say it worked, but when I got home I felt this dread creep over me. At least Daisy had a blast. She even got to take a quick walk at the UA library. Now she is crashed out on my bed…her little head on my pillow. Ah to be a dog – so easy to be content.
The week is nearly over. The kids went back to school on Tuesday – which was such a relief. I actually treated myself to a massage that afternoon to celebrate making it through another summer. I had never used my gift certificate to Massage Envy (which was my Mother’s Day gift) so it was completely free (gratuity too!). It was a wonderful hour! I wish I could indulge in one every week. With our finances though – it was a one shot deal.
I got a little emotional when Meg went off to 6th grade. To me it was a milestone. She is now half done with school…and no longer a little girl. I can remember the very first time we put her on the school bus for kindergarten. I can hardly believe how fast it all went. She seems very happy to be in middle school now. Of course, it is only the first week. Brandon got to switch teachers after all, and he really likes his new teacher. I am much happier with her too – she is organized and even has the kids use a planner and follow a schedule.
Because of our financial issues, we qualified for free lunches this year. Of course I am happy about that – because that also means we won’t have to pay out $60 for school fees now – but if you consider the bigger picture, it sucks because it means we are very poor.
Oh! Before I forget…if you were ever considering renting/borrowing the DVD August Rush – don’t! I waited forever for it to come in and I was really disappointed. It was pretty bad…and I am no movie snob. I like chick flicks! Pass this one up. Next up: Jumper.
I did something this past weekend that I haven’t done since I was a teen…I read an entire book in 24 hours (it was over 500 pages!). It was Stephenie Meyer's “Twilight”. I should disclose that this book can be found in the juvenile literature section, so the writing was pretty easy to digest…but I would still recommend it. Over the summer, I had heard a lot about this series - which is about a human girl who falls in love with a vampire – so I decided to check it out myself before the movie comes out this fall. I had to wait awhile for a copy of the book, but it was worth it. At first the writing bothered me. Everything seemed to be in short, choppy sentences. The actual storyline between Edward and Bella was mesmerizing though! I was so invested in their budding relationship that I couldn’t put it down. So now I am on the waiting list for the next one, “New Moon.” That is the good thing about jumping in late on something popular. I don’t have to wait for the next book to come out because there are already three more out there waiting for me to read next! The same thing happened to me with the Harry Potter series. I didn’t start reading those until just before the 4th Year came out.
I also picked up Vanessa Carlton’s new CD – Heroes & Thieves. If you like her music, you will like this album.
A good thing happened this past week. My friend Jessie and I ended our feud and declared a truce. I am really happy about that because I’ve really missed her. If she can forgive me for my bad behavior then I am willing to forgive her for hers. All I care about is being able to talk to her again. Then another friend of mine sent me some new photos of her little boy. He is just adorable and I am mad at myself for not visiting them yet. I have completely missed his “baby” phase! He has four teeth now! Sigh… I have made myself a promise to visit them very soon before the kid is in kindergarten or something!
I read in some magazine this past week, 6 tips on dating a British guy. It got me thinking that of all the men I dated before my current marriage, not one of them was British! This bugged me

I think I am much closer to making a final decision regarding SpeakOUT. Now I just need to find my balls again to follow-thru!
Tomorrow I plan on completing the necessary forms to qualify for state assistance for Brandon’s diabetes care. When we lost our insurance, the state took away the assistance we already had and then told us to re-file. Since our income level is lower, we will most likely qualify for a different plan now. Basically the state screwed us over when we needed the help the most. Now we will have to wait weeks to see if we will get this coverage instead. What a mess. It is the last big bunch of forms I should have to fill out for awhile – thank God! It feels like all I do is fill out forms! Back to school forms, medical forms for the school and medical forms for Brandon’s new doctor! Ack!! I’m so sick of forms. It is necessary though.
Random Thought: I’m sick of the damned Olympics!
New Television Obsession: Californication (from Showtime…but also on DVD!)
Funniest Quote of the Week: Taken from the new movie, Bottle Shock (which stars another Brit favorite, Alan Rickman)
So the American guy says: “Why don't I like you?”
The British guy replies: “It’s because you think I’m an asshole. But I’m really not; it's because I’m British and you, well, aren’t.”
What I Should be Writing instead of this Blog Entry: My resume!
I hated "Jumper". I didn't even want to finish watching it because it was so bad. So don't get your hopes up. I wanted to see "August Rush" and am very sad to hear it stinks. Oh well.
And Xander actually has 6 teeth! Can you believe that? And they're sharp, let me tell you. :)
Neil is starting kindergarten this week. Each year as I put him on the bus for the first time, I feel sad and anxious. It's so hard to let him go out into the scary world without me!
I thought "Jumper" was better than I expected it to be...which is to say terrible. I wanted to see it for the cool special effects though. The ending was lame. :o(
Good luck to Neil (and Mommy) on his first week to kindergarten!
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