I spy something the color of white...

Snow! Today I got a good ol'fashioned snow day. My boss called me up about 15 minutes before I was about to leave for work and told me not to come in because the roads were getting nasty. Since he said that I could make up the hours, I naturally agreed. My kids say it is their turn tomorrow.
Not much happened to me today. Brian and I braved the elements to drive the 3 miles to the mall. We ate lunch and walked around the place at our leisure. It was nice to be there alone...and to be able to go into the stores we prefer. Over lunch Brian and I spoke about things weighing on our minds. I enjoyed it...though no plan was designed from it.
Then we came home and snuggled in our bed for an afternoon nap. It was nice and relaxing. I could think of a few other things I should have been doing...but screw it. Watching the snow fall was very beautiful. Watching my dog frolic in her first real snow fall was adorable.
There is absolutely nothing on TV tonight. I started watching last season's LOST finale...but I just didn't feel like 3 hours of LOST. So here I am instead...blogging, clearing out my email account folders and the like. At least I feel useful.
My grandmother's surgery went well. They don't think the cancer spread to her lymph nodes...which means no chemo. We are waiting for the biopsy. She is back home now - which is ridiculous. Insurance companies are ridiculous. 24 hours is all you get when you have to remove your breast. There are tubes inside her still...draining the area where her breast once was! She has to deal with that on her own. She just lost a breast! Can you imagine the psychological issues she is also dealing with on top of the physical ones? It is just absolutely wrong. She should be at the hospital. Universal Health Care looks better all the time.
Well...not much to report tonight. I'll keep this one short.
Last Song I Heard: "Wouldn't It Be Good?" by Danny Hutton Hitters
Last Thing I Watched: "LOST"
Last Thing I Read: TV Guide
I'm glad your grandma's surgery went well.
I'm glad your Grandma's surgery went well!!
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