What have you done lately to be proud?

I want to apologize to my faithful readers...I haven't been able to post new messages as frequently as I'd like due to a bit of June madness which is also known as Pride.
As the founder of a LGBT advocate group, my life is completely thrown out of wack every June. Each weekend I have events to plan/run/attend and as the calendar draws near June 24th, those events begin to crowd my weekdays too. Still, I am not here to complain about such things, because I really enjoy this time of year even if it does become a vortex which sucks me into a black (er, rainbow) hole for a few weeks. :o)
Last night my family went to a Pride sign-making party at our good friends, Nick & Rolando's house. N&R are fantastic people. They are geniunely the nicest guys I know and have (in my opinion) found the secret of life because they are always happy and easy-going. It amazes me. They were married in Windsor, ON in April of 2004. They are one of the reasons I'm fighting this fight. They should be able to marry here in the states and receive the same benefits as my husband and I!
Nick runs his own group - Ohio Freedom to Marry Coalition (visit their website at http://www.oftmc.org/). He is about to merge that into a new national group - Marriage Equality of Central Ohio. He is really excited about it, and I am happy for him. He has great energy and unfortunate his old group has run out of gas. Being part of a new group run and funded nationally will be a huge difference for him.
We had so much fun at their house. Brandon ran himself into a sweaty, silly, happy mess - he spent the whole evening outdoors with N&R's black lab, Java. You should have seen how quickly those two bonded. They played fetch and when Brandon would lay on the ground, Java would drop the mangled football onto his chest and lick him all over his face! It just about melted my heart. That boy needs his own dog!! Golden Doodle where are you?!
Meaghan had just as much fun acting her diva-self...except our fabulous gay friends wouldn't let her be bitchy. They proceeded to call her "Paris 'tude" and poked fun at her "Ms. It" attitude all night. :o) She got to make cookies with Rolando and he lavished her with swag! He works for the Limited and had all kinds of little Bath & Bodyworks items. She loved every minute. (And another 'hag' is born! LOL)
Nick made the best sign of the evening - "Gay Marriage Is Coming - Get Fabulous!" LMAO!
So...please put up with my absence for a few more days. I'm hoping to post some photos from Pride soon.
Happy Pride Everyone!
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