Amongst the "e"-living once again...

Summer is rapidly coming to an end. While on one hand, I am eager for the school year to begin and for my life to fit neatly in a regular schedule again, I'm also trying to stop and enjoy what time we have left in August. I've been joining the kids in the pool instead of staying home doing work on the computer or house chores. My pale skin seems to enjoy the warmth of the sun and I've been lucky to avoid being burned so far. Brian and I are also trying to book the remaining weekends of August with fun outdoor events.
This fall I have given myself a goal - I want to place more focus on my family...with all I do with SpeakOUT and so forth, sometimes I overlook the simple joy of just being with my husband and kids. Yesterday afternoon we pulled the kids into bed with us and snuggled in the blankets together...the peace and quiet quickly disolved into an orgy of tickles and giggles however. :o)
It amazes me to look at my two kids now and remember how once they were these tiny, helpless little babies. How is it possible Meaghan will be 10 soon and is heading into 4th grade? Brandon, my baby, is no longer so 'little' either. He is 6 and off to 1st grade in a couple of weeks. We pulled out the measuring tape and Meg was 4'11" and Bran was 4'1". Whew!

On the TV front, don't even bother to waste your time on the new ABC Family series, Three Moons Over Milford. This show sucks! The producers were obviously trying to cash in on the 'everybody loves Lauren Graham' vibe from the fabulous Gilmore Girls, because the lead mother looks way too much like her for it to be a coincidence. (Thinking back on my viewing experience - the town looked way too much like G.G.'s Stars Hollow too!) Too bad Milford's mom (played by a badly aging Elizabeth McGovern) is a self-absorbed, rich bitch who is just impossible to feel empathetic toward. Her pouty, spoiled brat children are just as unlikeable. The show began with a good quriky idea (the residents of a small New England town start living life to the fullest when the moon breaks into 3 pieces, and one chunk is believed to be heading toward Earth leading to certain doom), but the resulting production is just plain unwatchable.
Well, I need to run. Many empty boxes are crying out for me to pack something into them. Sorry for the long break between long as my laptop cooperates, I will try my best to not be such a stranger.
I tried to watch Milford on Sunday. It was moving too slow, and I found that I didn't give a crap about the characters. I figure I'll give it one more chance--after all, I didn't like Friends' first ep either, but by the second, well that's history.
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