And the winner is...

My good fortune is continuing into this week. I decided to spend the $50 I earned from being a guest lecturer at Ohio Dominican University on a new outfit for my interview tomorrow. I found some great pants at Target on clearance - but they didn't have my size. :o( They told me that the Polaris Target might have a pair though, so I decided to suck it up and spend the gas to go see. Sure enough they had them! AND guess what size I had to get? Not my usual size 18...but a size 16! Whoo hoo! It's probably just the way that company makes their pants - but it was still a big ego boost for me. :o)
I managed to get a new shirt, pants and earrings for less than $37. I think that was a great deal. Plus I feel so much more confident walking in with a nice new outfit. I even went and got a haircut with my left over money. I really needed one so it all worked out. The only thing I didn't get to buy was some new shoes. I just didn't have the money. Perhaps next time.
My interview is tomorrow...and I'm pretty nervous. I know I'm qualified, but I haven't had an interview in years. All I can do is be myself though and sell them on my experience. I appreciate all the kind words of luck from my readers. I'll let you know what happens.
This past weekend turned into a big cleaning frenzy at home. Brian and I spent all of Saturday cleaning our basement. Sunday we spent a large chunk of time just cleaning the house itself and doing the laundry. Sounds pretty boring - but I enjoyed being able to just hang out with my husband. We capped the night off with a trip to Rita's Italian Ice. OMG! You have to get over there and try their new Pumpkin Pie ice cream. It's excellent!
The Emmy's: I cannot believe Hugh Laurie didn't win an Emmy last night. What was worst was that he wasn't even I didn't get to even see him. Grr! I also thought Michael Emerson (Ben on Lost) got totally ripped off. He was excellent this past season. I enjoyed the Emmy's this year. I liked how they did the sets from all the TV shows. Plus Josh Grobin doing Cartman from South Park was hilarious! I actually felt bad for Kathy Griffin (whom I normally despise)...Don Rickles was a nightmare. When he won for his category, I thought about shooting my television. :o) Best moment of the night was Ricky Gervais making fun of Steve Carell though. "Look at his stupid face!" I laughed and laughed! I also thought it was funny when Sally Field handed Tom hanks his Emmy...reuniting the Forrest Gump mother and son.
Good luck on your interview!
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