The Vicious Circle

TV shows today are so interactive! If you watched the premiere of the *NEW* 90210 on the CW this past Tuesday, then you know all about Silver's v-blog "The Vicious Circle." Well, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you can actually visit her site! I wish we had this technology when I was a kid. I couldn't have imagined being able to break that invisible barrier between the world you see on television and interacting with it online. It kind of boggles the mind when you think about it.
Obviously this is nothing new. LOST does one hell of a job creating multiple real websites (and working telephone numbers) for fans to scour for hints not provided in the actual show. How I Met Your Mother's Barney has a real blog too! It's almost too much for a TV geek like me to handle.
So did you watch 90210? As a big fan of the original, I owed it to myself to watch it at least once. I thought it was OK, but I longed for more of the original characters/places than I cared about these new wannabees. I'm sure the Gossip Girl crowd will love it. I felt a bit old explaining all the inside jokes to my 11 year-old daughter, though. Was it just me or did Brenda look terrible? Too much sun worship!
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