Things that are wrong in this universe...

Pastor Rick Warren Appeals for Close to $1 Million in Donations for Saddleback Church - Sphere News
Figuring life entry at a time.
Last night I watched this cool video from Newsweek – it’s the decade in review in only seven minutes:
It’s hard to imagine that in 1999, there were no I-Pods, Wii or even Facebook!
I know that yesterday I was 'Ms. Downer'…and well, I still think the 00’s pretty much sucked, but it wasn’t a decade without some high points too.
Let us focus on the fun stuff today:
Pop Culture:
The OO’s will certainly go down in history as the beginning of over-sharing and self-importance: I got ‘My’ own ‘Space’, found a few friends on Facebook, started a blog and learned how to Tweet.
I rekindled my love for an old gem in Weird Al Yankovic…a musical genius!
I re-discovered the hilarious and multi-talented Neil Patrick Harris.
I finally got to wrap my arms around Boba Fett when I met Jeremy Bulloch!
I finally got to meet my favorite New Kid, Donnie Wahlberg...and saw NKOTB in concert again!
Indiana Jones dusted off his fedora one more time and we finally got to see Episodes 1-3 of Star Wars (OK...technically Episode 1 was released in 99.)
Elsewhere...The OO's left it's mark when...
I learned that some vampires sparkle and I rooted for some Gryffindor wizards.
I was astonished to find that the best Bond had yet to come when I fell for Craig’s version in Casino Royale.
British Man of Many Hats, Hugh Laurie, knocked my socks off as an actor, author and musician.
I said “Seriously” a lot and called everyone “Mc” so-and-so for at least a year.
I got my news from Jon Stewart and fell in love with his zany cast of characters.
I preferred Tina Fey’s version of Sarah Palin…and thankfully the majority of the country agreed.
I got LOST, dug Bones and checked into hospitals Seattle Grace, Sacred Heart and Princeton Plainsboro regularly.
Queer As Folk became the first television series I actually paid to be able to view…and I discovered that a man named Gale could make me weak in the knees!
I out-grew my long-held subscription to Glamour and traded it in for Redbook.
I got hooked on Post Secret.
Adopted a Webkinz or two.
TMI got kicked-up a notch with the introduction of the term "Va jay-jay."
I got "green"!
I celebrated Same Sex Marriage victories - in my own country!!
I helped elect the country's first black president!
There's more...I know I'm forgetting so much...but those are the things that stick out in my head tonight as I write this.
Tomorrow I'll focus on the good things in my own personal life.
Greetings Dear Readers…I am back after a lengthy time-out. I hope life treated you well in my absence. Since my last entry, life has kept me busy (and aged me a year older back on November 10th). My children have also increasingly been hogging the computer (and thus keeping me from getting online long enough to blog)…but hopefully I will not stay away so long again.
From my point of view, this has been a decade to forget! Not that there haven’t been good things to celebrate and cherish – like the birth of said son in 2000 – overall though, this has been a terrible decade.
Being a glass half-empty sort of gal, I think I’ll focus on the bad before the good…
During this past decade, I have watched my country steadily crumble under the leadership of the worst president in our history – George W. Bush. Economically we are in the crapper…my husband became one of the countless Americans who lost his/her job (of 12 years) – and then again only six months later when he was let go from the job that replaced the old one - during the recession. This of course changed our lives immensely – mainly for the worst. Although I don’t have the tax forms in front of me to prove it – we are probably worst off now than in 1999. We still only have one vehicle and do not own our own home.
I won’t even bother to pull out my soap box on the devastation that 8 years of Bush brought upon the civil rights of this country’s citizens. I am only grateful that because of this, my social conscious finally awoke and I became a much more aware, active participant of the human race…
If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change. (The Man in the Mirror ~ Michael Jackson)
Our lives were forever changed by the events on September 11th, 2001. These events continue to affect our lives as we are still entangled in not one but two wars. I once felt justified that we went to war with Iraq after 9/11; but once the death toll of Americans killed in Iraq reached and surpassed that of those lost in 9/11 (and we still had not captured Bin Laden), I had to rethink my usual pro-military stance.
I’ve already mentioned the addition of my son to our family in this decade, but my family unit was also permanently altered when my parents divorced…leaving me essentially without my father in my life. Brian lost his father as well when he took his own life.
Medically it has not been a banner decade in my home: Being diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder has altered the person I am today. Brian was diagnosed with vertigo.
I have lost more friends this decade than I would like to remember…
I have lost the gift of gaming in my life…
This has been a trying decade in my marriage to Brian – but we are still hanging in there.
Career-wise, I’ve been a temp at my current place of employment for almost a year now. Is this what I get for all the effort I put in working my way through college, while raising a family? I am nowhere near the job I thought I would have at this time in my life. Brian isn’t even working and is trying to re-create himself.
I’m sure there is more…of course there is more…but I think you get the bleak picture. We lost our sense of security; kicked out a planet (Pluto) from the solar system (As a Scorpio, Pluto was my ruling planet! Hey! Maybe that’s why I’m so adrift…I have no planet!) & almost lost
Tomorrow…I (attempt to) look on the bright side!