Thursday, November 30, 2006

The saga continues...

So last time I wrote, my father had just introduced me to his work colleague Barb.

This was an especially strange time in my life. I had not been divorced from my first husband, Mark, for all that long and I was trying to rediscover myself. Mark was the first boyfriend I ever had. He was my first kiss…my first everything. When I realized that a boy like Mark (popular & cute) actually wanted to be with me, I felt like an entirely new world opened up to me. I ignored our age differences (he was a couple of years younger than me) and I felt worthy for maybe the first time in my life. He became my entire world – which ultimately led to our destruction. (Well, that and the fact that he liked to cheat on me and hit me.)

Growing up I had terrible self-esteem. I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that we moved about every 3-4 years. I was always the “new kid” and “friends forever” was certainly not an option. I was smart but only average to look at. Living on the base, I relied on the bus to take me home. This meant that I was hardly ever able to participate in after school activities and I rarely got invited to the homes of those who were not living on the base with me. My family was never wealthy so I couldn’t keep up with the fads and clothing necessary to survive with the cliques at school. Lastly, most people I met over the years thought it was plain weird to have a father in the military. So I had a lot going against me most the time. I was also an only child, so I had only myself to protect me. This meant I spent a lot of time in my own head. Maybe some of you can understand what I mean by that...

After my separation and divorce from Mark, I basically went on self-destruct mode for about 6 months. I threw myself down into the nearest gutter I could find and drank myself into oblivion to forget my failed life. I stayed out way too late at bars, drank my paychecks, began to smoke “socially” and slept with a variety of club boys. I’m not proud of that time in my life, but looking back I think I needed to sow my oats and get all that “crazy” out of my system. After all, I had only dated one person my whole life up to that point. I did date one guy from work for an extended amount of time, but Craig and I were polar opposites. We had a love/hate relationship from the beginning and it wasn’t going to last. We managed to remain friends “with benefits” after our break-up, but really by the time I was introduced to Barb, I had arrived at a point in my life when I wanted to make new friends and get back to basics.

My life branched into three very distinctive phases at this point; I began to go back to school and I, of course, had to work. I also became an avid hockey fan and was a season ticket holder for The Columbus Chill, which is where I made two close friends, Laurie and Regina. I also became a gamer again and hung out with Barb and my new “pack” of friends. It is weird looking back at that year (1993) in my life. None of those three things really intersected and joined together. I kept each life in its own little compartment. I brought Barb to Chill games now and then, but she just slid back into her real place in my life and never really mixed into that part of my world.

Becoming friends with Barb was a real turning point in my life. She and I were very different people from the very beginning, but we just somehow clicked with one another. She was this earthy, artistic spirit. She actually wore moccasins – in public! She painted, read comics and got the whole “game thing.” She drove a truck and wanted to buy a motorcycle. She did crazy, spur of the moment things like dressing up as a black cat on Halloween and walking around a local comic store meowing and scratching at the customers! I was captivated by her long dark hair, combat boots and breezy attitude. She was part Goth/part Hippy. I wasn’t like her at all – but I often wished I could be. I was so uptight and straight-laced compared to her. Even though she was several years older than me, she possessed a naivety that I had long lost. I was the wise-beyond my years pessimist and she was the eternal optimist. I suppose we were like two fitting puzzle pieces that way…dark and light…Ying and Yang. Whatever it was, it was a bond that I had never felt with another person before.

It was my new friendship with Barb that allowed me to become a gamer again. She was already friends with those in our new gaming group, which was good since I really didn’t fit in right away. I’ve always been very preppy, suburban and WASP-like, and these people were dark, angst-ridden campus types. The guys were pale skinned with long dyed-black hair. They wore chain-metal and black finger nail polish. My mother would have locked her car door if she drove by them walking down the street! LOL Yet I liked them. Inside I felt we were very similar – but few people bother to get to know you at that level, so I’m certain that if it wasn’t for Barb they probably would have “forgotten” to call me about games.

It took a while but I finally began to fit in with this wonderful, crazy group of people that I called my pack. They became like family to me and I spent as much time as I could with them. We were all young & single, so we became an incestuous family at times – pairing off and fighting amongst ourselves over petty things. (Such things are common in gaming groups of mixed sexes, unfortunately.)

I must admit that I never did “pair off” with anyone, but I wanted too! I had the fiercest crush on our pack leader, Jeremy(see photo below). Even though he was “paired” with Lynn at the time, I’ll admit to you, my dear readers, of a very flirtatious afternoon in his bedroom. I wish I could say I at least got a kiss, because trust me when I say he was absolutely dreamy in his long black trench coat, but no. We tempted each other with it, but it never happened. Sorry Lynn…wherever you may be now…but I had to try.

I really cannot adequately explain to you how much my pack’s friendship meant to me. I felt like I belonged to a family and that I was cared for when I was with them. I really needed that affirmation, and I felt it most strongly with Barb. We used to sit in her truck for hours and just talk and listen to Paula Cole, Bjork, Depeche Mode and NIN. Our GM, Steve, worked at a local gaming store and after hours we would play Werewolf into the wee hours of the morning. Barb and I would end up at the only place open at 2:30 AM – Tee Jay’s. Man! Their clientele* was very eclectic at that hour. LOL

It was never enough – I wanted to play all the time. I didn’t have a boyfriend or anyone really to report too, so time meant very little to me. I would have gamed every night if my life would have allowed it. It was the exit from reality that I was looking for – and I jumped in head first. I lost myself in this new “World of Darkness,” and embraced my alter ego who lived there…Martin E. Fichaud.

Whom I will share more about the next time I write…

*(I have this awesome memory of Barb and me eating at Tee Jay’s on High Street. The “people” in the booth behind us were totally vamped- out. They were decked out in all black clothes, pale skin and those really expensive fake (yet realistic looking) vampire canines. They invited themselves into our conversation and eventually into our booth. There were 2 guys and a girl. Two of them were a couple, so the single guy made the most of his opportunity to flirt with us. I loved every minute of his attention, and even though I would have never approached him in the light of day, at 2 in the morning over a greasy plate of breakfast, he looked like fun. I’ll never forget the look on Barb’s face when I let him “bite” me. LOL Hey! You only live once, right?! It’s was actually kind of cool. Then again, I’m a bit kinky! )

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A little of this...and that...

There's this thing I like to do - skimming through the bleak offerings of music at my local library, I come across a CD that I've never heard of the band but I'll try it out anyway. Usually the cover captures my attention or the names of the songs seem to intrigue me. I've stumbled upon a few cool bands (or at least a song or two) I enjoy this way & I encourage you to break out of your comfort zone and try it for yourself. I did this last night and while I enjoyed The Cloud Room (self-titled) it wasn't anything that I couldn't hear at a local bar. It had catchy yet simple lyrics, with an 80's vibe, which made it worth listening to at least once.

I also picked up the CD collection, 69 Love Songs, by The Magnetic Fields. Interesting is the best word to describe this collection. There are literally 69 songs - 3 CDs worth. I really enjoyed the variety of musical instruments in these songs, and the fact that one could hear most any sort of song style on these disks (from acoustic, folk, punk & techno). What I didn't enjoy unfortunately was their lead singer's voice. It really was a deal breaker for me. Yet, I just couldn't pass up a CD with 69 love songs and one of them was titled"How Fucking Romantic." If that cracks you up, then my dear reader, we might just be soul mates.

Speaking of the library, I finished that one feature book I mentioned in a previous entry: "Gil's All Fright Diner" by A. Lee Martinez. It was a fun, light read. I recommend it! I've already started reading a new book, "The Year of Yes" a memoir by Maria Dahvana Headley. This book is about a year in the life of a NYC girl looking for the "right man". Since her old (picky) ways were not producing the results she had hoped for, she decides for a year she will agree to go out with anyone who asks her. You read that correctly: ANYONE - homeless men, taxi drivers, old, young, a few women and one 77 year old guy who only spoke Spanish and she didn't. It sounds very interesting - but 20 pages into it, I'm beginning to see why she is single. The woman really is a neurotic mess. I hope the book gets better. I'll let you know if it is worth your time.

So what else is going on? Unfortunately, I still have my "2-packs a day" cough lingering around (just to piss me off I think). I may have to break down and go to the doctor. My $300 car is officially dead until I get some money. There is a belt near the front right headlight that is not turning. So when the car is running, smoke rises and a burning smell fill the garage. The battery is not getting charged either. It definitely needs towed to a garage. I'm working on the legal issue.

I went out to Wall Street with some friends the night before Thanksgiving. We met up at Union Station first for some dinner. I was really happy that JD got to be there. It had been way too long since we last hung out - I miss our time together before "she" became a "we." Yet, I can't blame the girl for wanting a relationship. I just wish her girlfriend would let her out alone more often. Dinner was fun. We got a chance to get caught up on each other's lives. I, of course, ordered the white pizza - because I am so predictable. Then suddenly the Madonna concert came on and the place filled up with squealing, giddy gay men. My God! Gays really do love their Madonna! LOL I mean, I've heard about it - but now I believe it. ;o)

After dinner we headed over to Wall Street's Heaven & Hell Night. I had never been, but it is an annual party which always seems to attract a large- there were feathers all over the floor and the walls looked like clouds. Downstairs was Hell and the walls were black with sparkly red flames. They had also hired some dancers who were dressed in appropriate attire- all hail the yummy black devil dancer!

It was an OK time. The music was way too loud and not very good. One out of 5 songs was danceable. Why do clubs have to play such crap?! They all sound the same as the last song - and that isn't a good thing. I still think some songs are more fun without the remix or whatever. I guess this would be the part of my monologue when Michael (from the U.S. version of Queer as Folk) would interrupt and remind me that the "thumpa-thumpa" club music is the life blood of the gay club culture. I guess that is how I really know deep down that I am straight, because I can only take so much. Whatever happened to techno, trance or goth? I'll take a NIN or Depeche Mode remix any day over Fergie's London Bridges. Ah, I digress.

We played a bit of pool before the place started to get full and people finally spilled onto the dance floor. I also lost one of my new earrings which Susie had given me as a belated birthday present at dinner. I was so upset! They were so cute. They were dangling rainbow colored crystals. I guess one had gotten caught in my hair and flew off into a pile of feathers or slid into a pocket of darkness on the dance floor. I spent 30 minutes on my knees looking without success. People tried to help too - but it was impossible. Susie was very gracious but I felt like shit over it. It kind of soured my mood to say the least.

The holidays passed without much fan fare. I ate at my Mom's and only bought 2 small gifts in all the sales over the weekend. Brian spent most of the time putting up Christmas lights and it looks really nice. We put up the tree on Sunday andI'm planning on tackling the Christmas cards this week. Despite not having any money, I am in the holiday spirit.

Well, I need to run - we are going to see some panels from the AIDS quilt that are on display downtown as part of World AIDS Day (Dec.1st) events.

I'll be posting the next segment in my saga very soon - keep an eye open!

Random thought: HEROES rocked last night!!! I totally figured out the "secret" to the show too...(spoiler alert) Here's my (brilliant) thought: Sylar is collecting the "bad pieces" of the mutants' brains. He is putting them together (like the watches) in a new brain (maybe Brian Davies' brain?) which once he collects the cheerleader's mutation, he can then place in himself and heal before he dies!!! Thus, save the cheerleader and save the world because he won't be able to do this without her "piece". TA DA! I am brilliant! Thank you. LOL What I can't figure out...who is Claire's Dad working for and is he a mutant too? Also, how is Sylar able to use his "powers" - because he has no mutation. This is obvious when Peter couldn't absorb Sylar's powers and use them against hiharnessedey entangled at Claire's high school. He has harnassed Brian's telekinesis, but still has no powers of his own. Lastly, yes I need a life outside of the TV.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The saga begins...

When I started this blog, I thought it would serve as an excellent tool to exorcise my inner demons…especially those which cause my depression. While I’ve hinted and promised more information about certain people and events in past entries, I recognize that I haven’t lived up to those promises. So, dear readers, this is the first of what will be many entries altogether dealing with who I am and how I got here. I hope we both learn something along the way.

Before I can start talking about failed relationships and broken trusts, I need to start at the beginning…and that is with “the game”. Gaming – I’ve talked about it in my blog entries, but unless you play I doubt you have a damned clue what I’m talking about. So to clear up any misunderstanding or stereotypes…gaming means sitting down* with other gamers and role playing characters which you create in a fictional setting. There is no board to guide you along, but there is a story and plot (provided by either a book or the imagination of your GM^ – Game Master – who runs the game). The players create characters– you have so many points and the way you spread them out over the character sheet determines who your character is. You can be witty, pretty or strong – but as with life, not in even amounts. You can be a hero, or an anti-hero (my personal fav). You can be a warrior, a peacemaker or hell, even a slacker. You might be a human or something else. You create your character and then interact with the other characters in the game’s setting. We use dice rolls (based on the points you spread out earlier) to see if we succeed or fail at tasks. The game itself could be about anything/anywhere – it is only limited by your own imagination.

Most people will get what you mean by “gaming” when you say the following three dreaded words…Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D). For the record – this is not a satanic game! We don’t meet in our all black clothing and plan the next Columbine tragedy. It’s a game people – and when we come across those players who seem to not understand the line between reality and fantasy, even we shun these crazy freaks. It’s fun. No one gets hurt and more times than not, you are playing a hero type character. So step off Christian freaks and try it before you crucify those who enjoy playing. Gamers get a bad rep – some of it deservingly…yes, many need to shower more, drink less Mt. Dew, fine-tune their social skills and learn to have a life outside of gaming. The world of gaming, though, is varied. For instances: in the game I am playing in now, we are all in our late twenties to mid-thirties. We are normal people with real jobs. We are all married and two of us have kids. We are educated. We just like to meet once a week and save the world using our super powers! :o)

I’ll admit it…my first role-playing experience came with playing D&D – and then A(Advanced) D&D. I was living at this tiny Air Force site which literally sat atop a mountain in the UP of Michigan. There was little for us kids to do. The place was so small that the library we had was on the honor system. People brought in books they were done with and the door to the two room office was always unlocked. That is where we played. No one ever came there – just us. There were 5 of us; 4 boys and one girl** (that would be me). I guess my parents might have been concerned about their middle school aged daughter hanging out in a lonely office with 4 boys, but I was still pretty much a tomboy back then and boys were buddies not objects of affection for me – besides I could have kicked their asses if they had been stupid enough to touch me. LOL I don’t remember a lot about those games, except for the musty smell of books that were boxed up too long, the haze of the dying sunlight through dusty old mini-blinds and that I played a Thief who was half elf and half human. I once killed another character - a loud, drunken Ogre – by hitting him in the head with an oversized oatmeal cookie. (Hey! I had a good roll of the dice…what can I say?!) It was a fun, new use for my overly-active imagination that reading, writing and drawing didn’t satisfy. I got hooked. It was so cool to me to become this other person and do outrageous things like killing Ogres with cookies…and to be with other people who thought it was fun and cool too.

After we moved onto our next assignment in Texas, I lived “off base” for the first time in my life and my interests branched into other things (like boys!). I didn’t game again until my early adulthood – my college years here in Ohio. That is how I came to know Barb…my father introduced me to his work colleague knowing that she and a group of her friends were looking for another player to try out this new game called Werewolf: The Apocalypse.

My life would be altered forever by both…but I’ll leave that for another entry.

^ - GMs are also referred to as ST’s – Story Tellers.

*(OK – there are other ways to game; like with cards, using miniature figurines, playing online or by acting it out in what is known as a L(ive)A(action)R(ole)P(laying). I prefer table top gaming and that is what I am referring to 100% of the time when I talk about it.)

**(This is typical for gaming. For the most part, gamers are white males from middle-class America. They tend to be those shy, pasty geeky guys you shunned back in high school. Women gamers are a special breed. Most games might have one or two, but I have yet in all my years of gaming to see an all women game or a majority of the girls versus the guys. In a lot of cases, gamers bring their girlfriends in and they get drafted into playing. That wasn’t my case, but it happens. Regardless, for the most part girls get treated like queens in the gaming world just because we are so rare. Who am I to argue? I’m just glad to see at conventions these days that the ages and races of players are growing in diversity.)

What have I done to deserve this?

Ever have one those days when you wish you could have just stayed in a comatose state instead of waking up? Saturday Nov. 18th was that day for me. I cannot imagine what I have done to have karma bite me in the ass like this…but something really went out of its way to remind me that life can suck. This is very discouraging since I have been really trying to be a more optimistic person these days – to which fate is thumbing its nose at me, apparently.

It started out with an epic battle between parent and two unruly children. I have managed to pick up a nasty cough from my son and was trying to sleep-in, but when kids start screaming and running up to their rooms, it’s hard to pretend not to notice. I reluctantly got up and played referee. I try to stick by my husbands in cases like this – but I didn’t feel like he was being entirely fair in this case. I wandered downstairs to discuss this with him and ended up getting into a big fight with him myself. Lovely! We ended up in a marathon family meeting. I think it ended ok…the jury is still out on whether the kids actually will do as they said they would to prevent future drama moments.

No sooner had that ended than the phone rang – our good car (the Ford) would need to be in the shop all weekend long. We couldn’t pick it up until Monday sometime. Considering that Brian missed work the day before because the check engine light was blinking & the engine was acting strangely, this was not good news. Luckily we had the “new $300 special” (the Chevy) to back us up. Great plan until the weird clunking noise I heard the evening before coming from the Chevy turned into smoke coming from beneath the hood this particular afternoon. Sooooo….no cars at all until Monday! No one to borrow one from either and our insurance coverage didn’t provide a free rental. Life is wonderful!

As we scrambled to figure out how we would be able to go to the grocery store and do several critical errands over the weekend without a vehicle, I noticed Brian flinching and sort of doubling over. I asked him about it and after much nagging he told me he felt like someone had kicked him in the nuts. Well, that can’t be good. It took even more nagging for him to drop the trousers and let me take a peek…swelling in areas one would not like to have swelling. Looked like a trip to the ER was in our future…oh, but that pesky car situation!!

It was an hour before the big OSU/Michigan game so no one would likely come to our rescue – but we did manage to get Brian’s mom to come over so we could go to the hospital. I swore that woman would never set foot in my house ( a long story ) but I had no choice. Brian’s health was more important. We actually lucked out in the ER – hardly a soul there thanks to the game. They took an ultra sound and thought he had a twisted chord relating to his vasectomy. 3 ½ hours and $50 later it turns out he just had an inflammation/infection. They gave him some pain pills and antibiotics and he was relieved. OSU even won! So it looked like our troubles were over (they come in threes you know).

Not so fast sister! Let’s check the mail…what do we have here? A court summons! Seems a collection company wants me to pay over a thousand dollars to them (and now court costs). Now I felt like I had been kicked in the nuts! The really shitty thing is that I honestly do not feel I owe this money. It is for a Bank One credit card – I’ve never had one. I supposedly opened it years ago, but I didn’t live at the address that they had for me back then. I had already moved to a new one at that time. Plus I had just gotten a credit report a month before they started calling me and it wasn’t on there either. I called Bank One with the account number they gave me and they said it didn’t exist. I have told these people this is not my debt, and they refuse to believe me. How can you prove something that never happened??? They want me to fill out a police report. How? They won’t even tell me the type of credit card it is for - just the bank and the account number.

I can’t afford a lawyer. I barely know how we will get to the next check! It cost me $200 to get my Ford partially fixed. Lord knows how much the Chevy will cost, and it will need to be towed. I can’t seem to afford all the medicines Brandon & I require these days. Co-pays are killing me! My daughter’s b-day is in two weeks and then two weeks after that is Christmas…and kids don’t get that “Santa” is broke. I am at my wits end. I feel like I am going to just fall apart. I need this collection crap like a shot gun blast to the head. I know a couple of lawyers through my work with SpeakOUT – and I am hoping (praying) they can help me.

I hate that I am just a whinny loser in this entry…so here is some better news. Brian couldn’t go to work Monday, so we were home all day without kids! We got so much accomplished. We rearranged the kid’s rooms and cleaned them. We finally put up the new curtains we bought a month back. We moved all those boxes into the basement. We worked hard – and the house looks great! I did mountain of laundry and stripped the beds. It feels great to look back on that day and see the improvements. Today I tackled the piles of laundry that needed to be ironed. It’s all done & hanging up in the closets. :o) Yea me!

Also, how freakin’ great was Heroes last night?? I love that show…it really is like watching my role-playing game on television. It was a nice stress reliever to sit down and watch it. I also liked How I Met Your Mother, but I rue the day I let my kids watch last night’s episode. Barney and Marshal were having slap fights – and of course my wiz kids thought it was hilarious. It took maybe an hour for them to start their own. Grr – dumb ass TV writers!

Well that’s enough about my shitty life…hope yours is going better.

Song of the moment: Misery by Soul Asylum

Friday, November 10, 2006

Another day older...

You say it’s your birthday? Well, yeah – today is my birthday. Cue in the John Hugh’s 80’s music montage and picture me in that gutted out car with Anthony Michael Hall at the dance in Sixteen Candles. Ok…I’m way beyond 16 candles but who’s counting? Growing up sort of sucks all the fun out of birthdays. I remember being like my kids, counting down the days until the big day and giving out my age in ¼ and ½ years. When did the fun stop? Ever since I’ve become a mother of two, my birthday (and my husband’s for that matter) isn’t much different than any other day. I think this is mainly because we are very poor and cannot celebrate it as we would like. Since both our birthdates fall at the beginning of the month, rent almost always trumps a birthday present and night out. Doesn’t seem fair…but that’s life in middle/low income suburbia.

My mother did take me out for a nice lunch yesterday and then she bought me a new pair of shoes. I needed new shoes desperately, so it was a very good birthday present. I made her take me to the store and buy them, because if she had given me the cash I would have used it on gas and groceries – just like we always do with birthday money. My father surprised me with an actual present this year. I usually get a check and card…but he sent away for a signed team jersey from the North Bay Centennials. North Bay is in Ontario, Canada. I lived there for nearly 5 years as a child, so I was really touched that he would do this. I only wish that the jersey was my size (it was a child’s size Large). My friend Susie tells me how precious this is because he still thinks of me as a child. I think he just doesn’t remember how I’m not that thin anymore because he never spends any actual time with me…but that is bitter talk that I just want to ignore for now. I was very surprised by his gift and like it…that is all that matters.

Last night I went over to Steve’s and gamed for a couple of hours. Our third player couldn’t come, but we had a decent session with just two of us. Even though I haven’t really hit it off with the other two players outside of the game, I’m really enjoying playing in this new game. It is more like the game I had played in the past, and I feel more like I am able to plan out future events centered on this character without worry that we will suddenly stop playing. I know at my age some people are probably rolling their eyes that I’m still role playing, but it is a great release for my creative energy. I’m actually playing a character with morals this time around – believe me when I say that is a rare occurrence. LOL I’m going the hero route. I hope I can keep my tendency to play shady types at bay.

So how about that election?! I guess I’m going to have to change the tag line on my blog! :o) I’m still banking on getting rid of Debra Pryce – but even if we don’t; it was a hell of a ride! I’m just praying now that the Democrats don’t fuck it up. The next two years they must deliver on promises and play nice…otherwise the 2008 presidential election will be screwed. Absolute power corrupts absolutely…even when the majority is blue instead of red!

The only thing I hate about the election results so far is that Jon Stewart now seems to be treading water in confusion. I know he claims to not be a liberal Dem, but we who love him to the point of obsession know that he is. So what happens to The Daily Show now? I know that in time Jon will shift the show around to target the new majority, but he has built a great career on harping on the clueless Republicans (and the occasional Democrat), and I hate to watch him flounder. This past week, the show just doesn’t seem to have the zing I’ve come to expect. Then there is his counter-part over on The Cobert Report…who just grates on my last nerve. Don’t get me wrong - I like Stephen Cobert just fine, but I’m already tired of his shtick. He is probably pretty happy with the election results. He can really dig into the Democrats with zeal now, but I just am not a huge fan of his show. His act gets old quickly and frankly I rarely watch him past “The Word”. Woe to the viewers of Comedy Central from 11PM – Midnight.

Well, I’m going to run. It is a nice day out there and I think I’m going to rake up the leaves in my back yard. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

From Red to Blue...hopefully

Hey all ~
This is going to be a short post since the timer on my computer says I have but 12 minutes left online...I just really wanted to remind everyone to get out and vote today. Sure it is raining and crap like that, but it's only water. This is an important election for those who want to see Ohio become a "blue state" again. I'm one of those and yes I've already voted!

It's been a weird week already. My kids are both getting over strep throat and the weather is turning nasty. After a two hour stint as a phone bank operator at America Votes, I felt really ill. I'm sure one of the many volunteers there was spreading their ick. It was easy work, but I hated being one of those annoying people who call you a hundred times a day about the election. By 2PM yesterday, AV Volunteers had phoned over 10,000 Ohio voters! World News Tonight was there filming us too. Honestly I'm just glad it will all be over tonight.

Oh, I'm reading a very funny & engrossing book: Gil's All Fright Diner by A. Lee Martinez. It's a hoot if you are into supernatural stuff like zombies and werewolves. It was a feature book at the library, so I gave it a shot. Not disappointed so far...

Crap, only two minutes left! Best go...I'll write again tomorrow.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Multi-tasking Superstar!

I am looking out my bedroom window watching the wind blow through what may be the most perfect blend of orange/yellow/red leaves on the solitary tree in our backyard. I love the colors – like a bloom of warmth for my eyes – and I love the sound of the wind bouncing and curving through the branches and crisp leaves. Ah fall… I think I will sneak outside before the sun begins to slip behind the clouds and snap a few pictures so I can remember how beautiful it was before winter comes and leaves it a pointy skeleton. Maybe I’ll even press some leaves to smell long after a blanket of snow replaces the crunch of fallen leaves upon my backyard.

I’m being a domestic Goddess today – a.k.a. a stay-at-home mother/wife. I’m a whirl-wind of multi-tasking. While chatting with my Mom on the phone, I stripped the linens and changed the bedding, scrubbed toilets, cleaned out the pantry, gathering the trash and recycling and re-organized the hall closet! Right now I’m in the middle of what is turning out to be a 2 hour marathon of ironing clothes. There were literally heaps of clothes everywhere awaiting me and the ironing board. It’s probably taking a bit longer than needed though since I stopped to burn two songs from a library CD, sewed a button on a shirt and weeded out some clothes to give to charity. Of course now I am here writing this because my guilty conscious was nagging me about my inability to make time to update my blog this week.

This isn’t exactly how I planned to spend my day, but I think it is probably for the best. I was feeling really out of it yesterday, so when I woke up this morning with my head throbbing, I decided to go back to bed once the kids were safely off to school. I felt better the second time I woke up…so I guess my body needed the extra rest. I then decided to have a quick bite to eat before I rushed out of the house…but instead I finished a book I’ve been reading. Who needs a jammed packed schedule anyhow?! I’ve been running around all week. It’s nice to just stay home – even if that means tackling all the house chores that need attention.

Brandon’s doctor’s appointment was rescheduled to last Friday. It went well. His A1C3 test – which is like a big blood test for a 3 month period – was 8.1%. We want him to be between 6-8%, so I was happy with the number, especially since he has only been on treatment a little over a month now. He also got a flu shot and we adjusted his insulin again. No big deal – he will have to go to a similar appointment every 3 months.

Meg got strep throat over the weekend and by Monday so did Brandon. Both are doing better. In case you’ve heard that Giant Eagle is giving away certain prescriptions for FREE right now – I’m here to tell you it is true! I got both their amoxicillin prescriptions for $0! I was thrilled. I’m not sure why they are doing this, but I told them to call me if they need someone to be on a commercial for them. I even did a little “I love Giant Eagle” cheer and dance – much to the amusement of the pharmacists. :o) Oooh – speaking of pharmacists, there is a really cute one over at the Krogers on Cemetery Rd. He really does look, act & sound like Jim from The Office (except cutie Kroger guy is blond). It is sort of freaky! Check it out single friends! ;o)

Tonight is Meg’s open house – we get to check out her finished Extreme Weather project. She worked on it for over a month with a group of other students. Then we are going to watch her BBF in the 5th grade musical. Of course it is Grey’s Anatomy night too – so I wasn’t too bummed when my Thursday night game was canceled. I just hope my GM (that’s Game Master for all you ‘normal’ non-gamers out there) is feeling better soon.

The only thing I am super bummed out about this week is that the wickedly brilliant Jon Stewart is taping The Daily Show right here in my town and I wasn’t able to snag a ticket. I drove by where they are taping and the trucks outside were BORING. No Jon sightings. In my youth, I would have stalked him until I not only met him but got a picture and autograph. Actually, I’ve not been all that impressed with this week’s shows. Sure, if you are from Ohio it is greatly amusing when he makes fun of us Midwesterners – but I can’t imagine the rest of the country cares. His guests have sucked and he really has let OH politicians off easy. :o( Where, oh where is the real Jon Stewart?!

Random information:
What's in my CD player right now...Ladytron's The Witching Hour, Snowpatrol's single "Chasing Cars" and Dresden Doll's Yes, Virginia.

Well, the kids just got home. I need to run…