So, this will be the last post at my old place...the last night I will ever sleep here. I must say -
good riddance! I've been reflecting on my time here over the past five years and so much of it has been plain terrible. During that time, I lost my best friend; lost my only real escape from my often mundane existance (aka my decade old online werewolf game with said former friend); lost two jobs; went through a terrible period in my marriage; nearly lost my marbles & was diagnosed as depressed; and finally, I saw the end of my parent's 37-year marriage...and those are just the highlights! So many more bad things happened from illnesses to broken down cars, but I will resist the temptation to whine about that too.

Yea - the memories in this house are as dark and tainted as any wyrm infested Pentex creation. (er, those who game the White Wolf system will understand that reference - for all you non-gamers, please see the picture to your left for a visual clue to what the hell I'm talking about!) Anyhow, let me just say I can hardly believe that we survived this place!
OK - not every moment here was hell on earth, but most of the time it felt like it. That's why even though I am a Christian, I've been looking through Brian's many books on Wicca this past week. I really want to bless our new house and flush out any lingering bad karma over there. I want, (and dare I say even
deserve) a fresh start! I am not usually an optimistic person by nature, but I have this unshakeable feeling that this move could be the beginning to a brighter place in my life. Therefore, I'm making a real effort to toss out any old emotional baggage as I pack my belongings into cardboard boxes.
In fact, just today I mailed out a remaining symbol from my first marriage...it was a figurine that my previous spouse had been given by his grandfather. I don't know why I kept it. I don't know why I couldn't just toss it...but I feel very good about making the decision to mail it back to his parent's home in Texas. Brian was very supportive and understanding as I wrestled with this decision...when I finally packed it all up and took it to the post office, I could just feel the closure. It was a happy feeling. It was a long time coming.
When I finally walk out of this place for good, I'm not looking back. My ghosts will have to stay here without me. Let the next tennants worry about them!

The move is going well, by the way. We are ahead of schedule and have been lucky to get some help from my mother, Meaghan's best friend Jody (a ten year old packing maniac!) and my friend, JD actually left me a truck to use for a couple of days instead of just a few hours! That has helped so very much! Thanks to everyone. Keep those positive vibes coming!
Last but not least - don't forget that the new
Gale Harold series,
Vanished, premieres on Fox in just six more days! OMG! I love Gale...I can't wait. Finally, I can see him without a) paying for the honor (which I did for 5 seasons of
Queer As Folk), b) without the terrible long-hair and beard as seen on the show,
The Unit. I'm in heaven! (Is it just me, or does he look very "Fox Mulder-like" in his new part on Vanished? I think he is wearing the same suit! It will be interesting to see him dressed more often than undressed.)