I can barely believe it, but I actually showed up at the mall at 4AM this morning. I spent all Thanksgiving Day bitching that there were no good deals in the ads this year, yet I was up at 3:30AM. What the hell is wrong with me?
My mother had given me some money to go out and take care of her shopping for the kids, so I couldn't resist. I think I did a decent job of it too. Did you know that Toy R Us no longer price matches?! Hmm...me neither until I was at the register and had spent 40 minutes finding the appropriate items to match to other ads. Grrr!
Nothing tops this final story though...I was at the very last store of my buying marathon when the following occurred:
I was parking my car in the Best Buy parking lot near Tuttle Crossing when when a lunatic struck! Some 60-something, freaky, Christian conservative walked behind my car and started yelling at me "BABY KILLER! YOU SUPPORT A BABY KILLER!" Apparently he saw my Obama sticker and just decided to yell at me right there in the parking lot. He even waited at the end of row of cars for me to get out of the car to yell at me some more. "YOU VOTED FOR A BABY KILLER! OBAMA'S A BABY KILLER!" The two people who had the unfortunate luck of being parked next to me, gave me a sympathetic stare as the quickly got into their car. Freak!
I ran into him again in the store and tried to shame him for yelling at a complete stranger - and a woman at that! No dice...he just went off on me some more. I said - calmly, "Oh, I see. You are one of those crazy freaks." He got so mad! "I'm no freak!" To which I said, "What else can explain your outburst?" He just kept getting more flustered. Apparently he is not used to having someone stand up to his freakiness! He had messed with the wrong liberal! LOL
Honestly though, I had to laugh. Of all the stickers on my car to get worked up about - the Obama one?! LOL Apparently he did notice the gay ones too because after I had my fill of the loser, I walked away saying "You know what? You lost. Obama is our president-elect and you just need to get over yourself!" All he could do is yell at my backside - "Get over myself?! YOU need to get over your gay rights!" Um, okaaaaaay. Loser!
Here's my main problems with (crazy) pro-life people:
1.) They do not care about life enough to support real sex education to prevent the need for abortions.
2.) They call pro-choice people "pro-abortion"
3.) They don't care if a women was raped or a victim of incest...too bad - have the kid anyhow!
4.) They don't give a crap about the child's quality of life once it is out of the womb! What about all these babies who are addicted to crack or on welfare the moment they are born? Where are these nutjobs then?
5.) They don't accept the reality that abortions will happen whether it is legal or not - in unsafe underground clinic where lives will be lost!
6.) They are so damned holier-than-thou!
Here's my position on abortion:
1.) I do not believe in using abortion as a means of birth control.
2.) I do not support abortions after the first trimester...unless the life of the mother is in immediate danger.
3.) I think women should be able to have a choice in the case of rape or incest to end a pregnancy
4.) I think a women should have the opportunity to have an abortion in a safe place.
5.) I think the morning after pill should be dispensed to any woman who has a prescription for it...no ifs, ands or buts!
6.) I don't think a man should have the right to refuse a woman the right to terminate a baby - that is until the courts can figure out a way to ensure that the man will not skip out on child support payments, visitation of the child and so forth. What happens to the woman and the child if the guy decides to just walk away a year after the blessed event?
Huh! Who knew a blog about shopping would end up so political?!