One Girl Revolution
Figuring life entry at a time.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Ingrid Michaelson visiting Columbus...

One of my dear readers has requested that I blog some love Ingrid Michaelson’s way…and since I’ve never had a request for a blog entry before, how could I really say no? So Spencer - this one’s for you(thanks for reading btw!):
Maybe you weren’t aware of this, but lyrical sensation Ingrid Michaelson will be playing live right here in Columbus on Tuesday, July 29th at Crew Stadium. It would be understandable if you missed the news because she is opening up for the Dave Matthews Band. As far as I can tell, there are three types of people: those who are fanatically in love with DMB, those who fanatically hate DMB and those who don’t know who the fuck DMB is at all. So if you are not in the first category, you might have just glazed over the rest of the announcement of their impending arrival. This would be a shame, however, because then you would have missed the announcement that lovely Ingrid is also appearing.
The first thing that I should admit up front is that I am not going to this show. It isn’t that I wouldn’t love too (in fact I'm rather heart-broken that I can't)…rather it is that I am a poor girl. Tickets are $60 a pop! Now, I know DMB has a huge fan base and can probably demand such a lofty price, but that is just too much for me. (Especially if you consider that I’m paying about that much for two tickets to see Weird Al at the LC just nine days earlier. Totally worth it…go see him live!) When Ingrid announced that she was also launching a headline tour to coincide with her appearances at various other gigs (like the DMB concert) throughout the country, I held my breath and hoped that we would land one of those as well. I figured (hoped) the price would be much more affordable. She would be a great “Next at the Wex” headliner, in my opinion. No dice! Columbus isn’t one of those chosen cities…big fat pout!
Most of you probably know Ingrid from the catchy “The Way I Am” - a song which in only 2 minutes and 12 seconds completely hooked me as a fan. I think the first time I actually heard Ingrid’s music, however, was on a Grey’s Anatomy soundtrack. If my CD library could talk, it would reveal my leaning towards female vocalists. If I had to compare Ingrid to another lady rocker in my collection, it would probably be Lisa Lobe. Sweet but sassy… More guitar than piano… More depth than pop…Plus she has those funky/cool glasses!
It really is too hard to pick just one song on her Girls and Boys CD to rave about. I find myself really connecting with her lyrics on several songs. In fact, it is what her songs say (and not so much the sound of the music) which made me love this CD so much. Die Alone’s “I never thought I could love anyone but myself,” gets me every time. I think every person can relate to that feeling – if they were truly honest. I love the opening line of Breakable: “Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts?” Starting Now is the perfect post break-up song to me: “I want to start fresh like a baby in the sink. Scrub away all these thoughts that I think of you.” Corner of Your Heart is probably the song which I relate to the most of all her songs. It is just so lonely, so desperate…boy have I been there.
If you don’t own this CD – stop reading this and go buy it…right now! If you do, then I am sure you are just as big of a fan of her work as I am. Hopefully, you’ll be able to afford the tickets when she swings through town. If you get to go, let me know how you liked the show and clap a little harder for Corner of Your Heart just for me.
You can visit Ingrid’s MySpace Page to view her complete concert schedule, watch her newest video and read her often hilarious blog entries. (May I recommend ‘Here take my sweater doesn’t mean here take my sweater.’) Or visit her webpage at
Maybe you weren’t aware of this, but lyrical sensation Ingrid Michaelson will be playing live right here in Columbus on Tuesday, July 29th at Crew Stadium. It would be understandable if you missed the news because she is opening up for the Dave Matthews Band. As far as I can tell, there are three types of people: those who are fanatically in love with DMB, those who fanatically hate DMB and those who don’t know who the fuck DMB is at all. So if you are not in the first category, you might have just glazed over the rest of the announcement of their impending arrival. This would be a shame, however, because then you would have missed the announcement that lovely Ingrid is also appearing.
The first thing that I should admit up front is that I am not going to this show. It isn’t that I wouldn’t love too (in fact I'm rather heart-broken that I can't)…rather it is that I am a poor girl. Tickets are $60 a pop! Now, I know DMB has a huge fan base and can probably demand such a lofty price, but that is just too much for me. (Especially if you consider that I’m paying about that much for two tickets to see Weird Al at the LC just nine days earlier. Totally worth it…go see him live!) When Ingrid announced that she was also launching a headline tour to coincide with her appearances at various other gigs (like the DMB concert) throughout the country, I held my breath and hoped that we would land one of those as well. I figured (hoped) the price would be much more affordable. She would be a great “Next at the Wex” headliner, in my opinion. No dice! Columbus isn’t one of those chosen cities…big fat pout!
Most of you probably know Ingrid from the catchy “The Way I Am” - a song which in only 2 minutes and 12 seconds completely hooked me as a fan. I think the first time I actually heard Ingrid’s music, however, was on a Grey’s Anatomy soundtrack. If my CD library could talk, it would reveal my leaning towards female vocalists. If I had to compare Ingrid to another lady rocker in my collection, it would probably be Lisa Lobe. Sweet but sassy… More guitar than piano… More depth than pop…Plus she has those funky/cool glasses!

If you don’t own this CD – stop reading this and go buy it…right now! If you do, then I am sure you are just as big of a fan of her work as I am. Hopefully, you’ll be able to afford the tickets when she swings through town. If you get to go, let me know how you liked the show and clap a little harder for Corner of Your Heart just for me.
You can visit Ingrid’s MySpace Page to view her complete concert schedule, watch her newest video and read her often hilarious blog entries. (May I recommend ‘Here take my sweater doesn’t mean here take my sweater.’) Or visit her webpage at
Friday, June 27, 2008
A way with words...

I’ve been reading Hugh Laurie’s 1996 novel, The Gun Seller. Try as I might, I can only see Hugh himself as the lead character Thomas Lang. I see his mannerisms with Lang’s every movement and hear his familiar dry, witty voice delivering the novel’s lines. Personally, I think it only makes the novel even more delicious – but I doubt that was Hugh’s intention when he wrote it and that makes me feel bad for not respecting Hugh as a writer.
But I do respect him as a writer! I love his attention to details and I share his passion for being able to ‘paint a picture’ of a singular moment. Take this as an example:
“She kissed me.
She kissed me…
Just like in the movies. Just like not in my life. For a couple of seconds I was too surprised, too out of practice, to know what to do about it, because it had been a very long time since something like this had happened to me…
She tasted of toothpaste, and wine, and perfume, and heaven on a nice day.
“You on the team?” she asked again, and I realized from the clarity of her words that at some point she must have taken her tongue back, although I could still feel it, in my mouth, on my lips, and I knew that I’d always be able to feel it.”
Just like not in my life…
Heaven on a nice day…
I knew that I’d always be able to feel it…
Don’t you just love those words? Can you not know exactly how it feels to be in Lang’s shoes at that moment? Can you not feel that kiss as well?
I also love Hugh’s wit…here is a good example (although the novel is so chock full of them that I could open the book and just write a random sentence):
“O’Neal had uttered three words: ‘Conspiracy to murder’.
The correct word for me to repeat in an incredulous tone of voice would have been ‘murder’; a very small, and psychiatrically disturbed, section of the population might have opted for the word ‘to’; but the one word out of the three I most definitely should not have chosen to repeat was ‘conspiracy’.”
Opted for the word ‘to’ – LMAO!
I love reading this book. It’s like being snuggled up on a couch (or should that be davenport) in some very English looking den…which probably smells of pipe tobacco and whiskey…with Hugh whispering his tale lovingly in my ear. What a very wonderful place to spend an evening.
But I do respect him as a writer! I love his attention to details and I share his passion for being able to ‘paint a picture’ of a singular moment. Take this as an example:
“She kissed me.
She kissed me…
Just like in the movies. Just like not in my life. For a couple of seconds I was too surprised, too out of practice, to know what to do about it, because it had been a very long time since something like this had happened to me…
She tasted of toothpaste, and wine, and perfume, and heaven on a nice day.
“You on the team?” she asked again, and I realized from the clarity of her words that at some point she must have taken her tongue back, although I could still feel it, in my mouth, on my lips, and I knew that I’d always be able to feel it.”
Just like not in my life…
Heaven on a nice day…
I knew that I’d always be able to feel it…
Don’t you just love those words? Can you not know exactly how it feels to be in Lang’s shoes at that moment? Can you not feel that kiss as well?
I also love Hugh’s wit…here is a good example (although the novel is so chock full of them that I could open the book and just write a random sentence):
“O’Neal had uttered three words: ‘Conspiracy to murder’.
The correct word for me to repeat in an incredulous tone of voice would have been ‘murder’; a very small, and psychiatrically disturbed, section of the population might have opted for the word ‘to’; but the one word out of the three I most definitely should not have chosen to repeat was ‘conspiracy’.”
Opted for the word ‘to’ – LMAO!
I love reading this book. It’s like being snuggled up on a couch (or should that be davenport) in some very English looking den…which probably smells of pipe tobacco and whiskey…with Hugh whispering his tale lovingly in my ear. What a very wonderful place to spend an evening.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Busy weekend...

I’ve been doing fairly well this month! I bet I’ve watched about 10 movies already. I usually watch them on my laptop while I iron a big pile of laundry. It helps the time go by. Every now and then I can get Brian (or the whole family) to actually sit down with me to watch a film, but usually it’s just me. This week I watched Martian Child, No Reservations & The Jane Austen Book Club. Of the three, I would really recommend the last one.
The Jane Austen Book Club is one of those ensemble cast films…which often means a bad movie, but in this case, it works. Perhaps this is because the cast is filled with mainly B-list stars that you know but can’t recall their names. This allows you to relate to their characters and not just see the actor (such is the case with a movie like Oceans Eleven). I really got caught up in this sweet little film and was surprised how many times it made me laugh out loud. Plus it included one of my new favorite movie lines: “He’s like a spoon…and he looks at me like I’m a big dish of ice cream.” Who wouldn’t want a guy to long after you like that?! The cast is likeable and their issues are relatable.
Martian Child stars John & Joan Cusack – both of whom I adore - but the film was slow, predictable and anti-climatic. The title child is more than a bit creepy too. If you cannot live without seeing every John Cusack movie, you will spend a pleasant but bland couple of hours with this one.
No Reservations was a guilty pleasure film. There was no way I was going to pay money to see this Catherine Zeta-Jones film, but to get it for free at the library – well, that’s different. It actually surprised me. I liked this movie and I definitely felt like I didn’t just waste two hours of my life on it. I suggest watching it when you are in the mood for a nice chick-flick (warning: it is rather sad in some parts so don’t watch it when you are depressed!).
Summer is slowly chugging along. June is nearly gone – which means Pride time is here. This year we are only walking in the Pride Parade on

Did you hear that next year they are moving Pride to the third Saturday of June AND the festival will be in Goodale Park and not at the Riverfront? Seriously! I love the idea of Pride and Comfest being on two separate weekends, but how do they expect to get 100,000 people into Goodale Park for Pride? Also, where are they supposed to park? What about the parade route? Will we start at the river and march backwards to the park? This may be either the best idea Stonewall has had in a long while or the worst – only time will tell. Personally I prefer the park with all the shade and grass…but I bet the neighbors in Victorian Village are going to have a cow! They hate Comfest and now they will have Pride to deal with the weekend before it.
On my list of things to do this week is to drop in at Origins. The big gaming con

Then, of course, we also have Comfest this weekend. I hope to go to that on Sunday. Hope to see some of you out at Pride this weekend! Get your freak on my fellow allies! Otherwise, check out Comfest or Origins…both are always a good time.
Family Updates:
Meaghan's softball season is coming to a close...thank goodness! Two games a week is just too much. Her team is in second place right now and has a chance to inch into first if the top team manages to lose another game or two. We have a double header tonight...wish her luck!
Brandon is in a band! They call themselves The Four Tatoos. The mix of kids ages 6-9 lip-synch to classic rock songs. Brandon "plays" the electric guitar and drums. They have band practise most everyday and have had two shows so far. :o)
Friday, June 20, 2008
One of them...
Holy crap! I have become one of them...meaning that I have become one of those self-absorbed, uber-bitches that over-populate the suburbs!
Last Wednesday, I took Brandon to his first day of the summer bowling league. We showed up 40 minutes early (as we were asked to come at least 30 minutes early on the first day). We signed in and Brandon easily got his shoes and a ball. He sat patiently for the games to start.
There was a huge rush of people at about 10 minutes till noon (when the games where supposed to start). This delayed everyone and there was a crush at the remaining "light" balls area. I sat smugly as I watched them all scramble for a ball and shoes, glad that I came early for once.
Then - out of no where - an employee came up and took my son's ball! I was pissed! I confronted her and told her that ball was taken. She explained that another woman needed it for her child and there was a second "orange ball" available at our lane - we would need to share.
Then it happened! Out of my mouth - without censor and a bit of a self-important snarl - came:
"Well, we came early to ensure that we would get the right ball. Maybe that mother should have done the same."
I still can't believe I said that! I am not that kind of person...honest! Is this what happens if you stay at home too long? Wow...
I guess I have grown weary of being stepped on. I guess I have finally learned to stand up for myself and my children when I feel we are being wronged. But at what price?
I think I need a vacation!
(Oh - Brandon did well by the way. His first game was a bit of a disaster - 73- but he snapped back in the second game and bowled a 138! He had 4 spares in a row. He has been waiting forever to start his league. I'm glad he has something to look forward too once a week now.)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Random Question...
Is it better to feel alone but be with someone?
Is it better to just be alone without someone?
Recipe for disaster...

What in the hell was I thinking? Sure the summer dress was marked down from $49 to a mere $9.99 – and I loved it, especially since it was in my size - but someone should have just slapped me when I suggested trying it on. But no one did and so into the dressing room I ventured - full of hope and stupidity. The size 16 did fit – but it looked just terrible on me. I stood there feeling like a pale, wobbly slug. So I removed the pretty new thing from my dreadful body and stood there staring at myself. Oh my God! What the fuck has happened to me? You know those “body types” you read in a magazine: apple, pear, athletic – well, mine looked more like an Idaho Potato.
No wonder my husband just isn’t that interested…not that his body has stayed firm, thin and young after 12 years of marriage. Yet it isn’t the same for men. It really was all I could do not to burst into tears. I walk 3-4 times a day, do yoga and I feel like I don’t over eat. I hardly ever snack or eat sweets. Yet, somehow I have gained back those 7-10 lbs that I swear I had lost just a month back. It’s probably my thyroid. Still, that doesn’t change the bottom line.
Now I am depressed because I feel like a bloated corpse AND because all my clothes suck. Just another day in my life…
(*Update: I dared to return to the mall and actually purchased some shorts, capri pants and a top. I feel a bit better - and I saved $10 with a coupon. Huzzah!)
Most recent DVDs that I’ve watched:
The Mist (based on the Stephen King novella): This was a suspense filled movie – and there were some excellent gore – but as always, the book was much better than the film. They actually didn’t follow the book - just used it as a guideline.
Miss Potter: Stars Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor. It was a charming little film. The acting was nice, the plot was simple and it was worth the time I put into watching it. It is the story of Beatrice Potter – the author of Peter Rabbit. I loved how her illustrations would come to life and jump around the page. She talked them as if they were real. As a writer myself, I could relate.
I picked up Hugh Laurie’s book The Gun Seller. I’ve only read the first chapter, but I already like it. I think it is interesting reading something Hugh has written. You can learn a lot about a person by reading something they’ve written (even so-called fiction)...such as the fact that Hugh apparently despises interior decorators. I guess he would not share my addiction to HGTV. :o)
Well, it is time for me to be off to the supermarket. I’m still having issues getting online at home…so please be patient with me until I can get this situation fixed. At least I can still post things at the library.
Most recent DVDs that I’ve watched:

The Mist (based on the Stephen King novella): This was a suspense filled movie – and there were some excellent gore – but as always, the book was much better than the film. They actually didn’t follow the book - just used it as a guideline.
Miss Potter: Stars Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor. It was a charming little film. The acting was nice, the plot was simple and it was worth the time I put into watching it. It is the story of Beatrice Potter – the author of Peter Rabbit. I loved how her illustrations would come to life and jump around the page. She talked them as if they were real. As a writer myself, I could relate.

I picked up Hugh Laurie’s book The Gun Seller. I’ve only read the first chapter, but I already like it. I think it is interesting reading something Hugh has written. You can learn a lot about a person by reading something they’ve written (even so-called fiction)...such as the fact that Hugh apparently despises interior decorators. I guess he would not share my addiction to HGTV. :o)
Well, it is time for me to be off to the supermarket. I’m still having issues getting online at home…so please be patient with me until I can get this situation fixed. At least I can still post things at the library.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
More about me...
What a crazy past few weeks…
School let out on May 31st – so I am now officially on “summer duty.” As my long time readers know, summer is my least favorite time of the year. It is a very stressful, expensive time for our family – it also means “all-mommy/all-the-time” 24/7! Please understand that I love my children, but day after day of the two of them constantly depending on me to entertain them, feed them, act as referee and taxi driver would drive even June Cleaver bonkers. Usually, I carefully plan out an activity calendar of free (or nearly free events) for the summer to give the kids something to point too and look forward too…but I let the time slip up on me and I’m scrambling to get that together. Trips to three local libraries for free programs and reading clubs shall commence any day now! (I already miss the quiet…)
To top it all off: My daughter has suddenly gone into complete panic-attack mode about
tornado warnings. She watches the weather channel all the time and freaks if there is even a small blip of green or (God forbid RED) in our area. If there is a warning, she will watch the clock until the second it goes away for our area. Sirens send her into a crying frenzy. I even found an “emergency” bag hidden in her room (in case we get hit) – it is full of socks, stuffed animals and other odd things. I have no idea why she is suddenly a freak about this. I’ve tried to talk to her and reason with her – but nothing really seems to work long term. Last night’s big batch of thunderstorms were not helpful, as you can imagine. We had every kid and animal (minus the hamster) in our bed/room. Sigh!
Car Update: Believe it or not…our broken-down 93 Chevy is finally out of the garage and waiting a tow tomorrow morning. I finally just called the guy to come haul it away. They are going to pay me $300 cash and tow it for free. I say good-riddance. Brandon and I spent all afternoon cleaning the garage out. It looks great. Plus, I now have all the money back that we spent on buying Daisy! I have to be honest though…I stood there looking at that car and became very sad. Sad for what it was supposed to mean for my family – freedom, the ability to get a second job – and sad for the fact that now we are really back to square one (with no options).
More Men of My Dreams: I keep having really odd dreams about kissing famous men (or at
least their TV personality). I already told you about the thin-lipped kiss between “Headmaster” Hugh Laurie and I, now we can add these to the list as well: The first dream was about Barney (a.k.a. Neil Patrick Harris) from How I Met Your Mother. I cannot imagine why I dreamt of him, but there I was in my own little HIMYM episode. I can’t remember every last detail but I can tell you that NPH is an amazing kisser! :o) Of course, I realize in reality that NPH is looking for his own dream man – but his TV alter-ego lives up to the hype. LMOA
The second dream I had was about Luke from The Gilmore Girls! I have long been a huge GG
fan, but never have I once dreamt of Scott Patterson. I remember that the entire dream was us arguing. It was a love/hate thing apparently. Still, he was good at making up! :o) I think it is funny how I only dreamt of kissing these guys…no funny business. I guess what I really need here in the real world is a great kiss.
Speaking of Sex: I went to see the Sex and the City movie this past Saturday. I never got to watch the show on HBO. Instead, I enjoy the watered-down version on TBS. Honestly, I find the TBS version to be just fine. I don’t need all the details to follow the story. I’m not a huge SATC fan, but I do like it and wanted to see Big and Carrie get married. Oddly enough, it was a man who invited me out to see the film. Here everyone is talking about girl’s night out – and it was my friend John who asked me to join him and his wife. They are much bigger fans of the show. His wife loved every second of the movie – while I felt it went on about 20 minutes too long. I recommend it if you watch the show even as a casual observer. I also recommend taking someone who isn’t offended when you roll your eyes at the hideous outfits these girls wear that we are supposed to think is fashionable. Seriously – they were, for the most part, terrible! Luckily John agreed with me – his wife hates me even more now I think. :o)
Random thought: The more I learn about Steve Carrell, the more I think I love that guy! I read a good interview with him in Playboy. (See you can buy it for the articles – lol) Although, I must admit that I’m waiting for Get Smart to hit the dollar theatres before I go see it.
DVD to watch: Across the Universe (You’ll love it if you are a Beatles fan – or a fan of Pink Floyd’s The Wall)
School let out on May 31st – so I am now officially on “summer duty.” As my long time readers know, summer is my least favorite time of the year. It is a very stressful, expensive time for our family – it also means “all-mommy/all-the-time” 24/7! Please understand that I love my children, but day after day of the two of them constantly depending on me to entertain them, feed them, act as referee and taxi driver would drive even June Cleaver bonkers. Usually, I carefully plan out an activity calendar of free (or nearly free events) for the summer to give the kids something to point too and look forward too…but I let the time slip up on me and I’m scrambling to get that together. Trips to three local libraries for free programs and reading clubs shall commence any day now! (I already miss the quiet…)
To top it all off: My daughter has suddenly gone into complete panic-attack mode about

Car Update: Believe it or not…our broken-down 93 Chevy is finally out of the garage and waiting a tow tomorrow morning. I finally just called the guy to come haul it away. They are going to pay me $300 cash and tow it for free. I say good-riddance. Brandon and I spent all afternoon cleaning the garage out. It looks great. Plus, I now have all the money back that we spent on buying Daisy! I have to be honest though…I stood there looking at that car and became very sad. Sad for what it was supposed to mean for my family – freedom, the ability to get a second job – and sad for the fact that now we are really back to square one (with no options).
More Men of My Dreams: I keep having really odd dreams about kissing famous men (or at

The second dream I had was about Luke from The Gilmore Girls! I have long been a huge GG

Speaking of Sex: I went to see the Sex and the City movie this past Saturday. I never got to watch the show on HBO. Instead, I enjoy the watered-down version on TBS. Honestly, I find the TBS version to be just fine. I don’t need all the details to follow the story. I’m not a huge SATC fan, but I do like it and wanted to see Big and Carrie get married. Oddly enough, it was a man who invited me out to see the film. Here everyone is talking about girl’s night out – and it was my friend John who asked me to join him and his wife. They are much bigger fans of the show. His wife loved every second of the movie – while I felt it went on about 20 minutes too long. I recommend it if you watch the show even as a casual observer. I also recommend taking someone who isn’t offended when you roll your eyes at the hideous outfits these girls wear that we are supposed to think is fashionable. Seriously – they were, for the most part, terrible! Luckily John agreed with me – his wife hates me even more now I think. :o)
Random thought: The more I learn about Steve Carrell, the more I think I love that guy! I read a good interview with him in Playboy. (See you can buy it for the articles – lol) Although, I must admit that I’m waiting for Get Smart to hit the dollar theatres before I go see it.
DVD to watch: Across the Universe (You’ll love it if you are a Beatles fan – or a fan of Pink Floyd’s The Wall)