One Girl Revolution
Figuring life entry at a time.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
To not love this movie...would be illogical!

With rare exception, I usually end up seeing new movies about a month or so later than everyone it should not be too much of a surprise that it took me this long to finally see the new Star Trek film.
Upfront I should admit to the following:
1) I am first and foremost a Star Wars person. It was my father who liked Star Trek, and he & I would stay up to all hours watching the original cast in re-runs.
2.) If I am forced to choose a Trek then I am a Next Generation person.
3.) I think JJ Abrams is a genius and most everything he does rocks.
4.) Being the geek that I am, I honestly wanted to see this movie but I also felt going into it that it wouldn't be very good.
Forget what you "know" about prequels and "re-boots" because this film is awesome. It has excellent action, humor and just enough Trek cheesy goodness to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside afterward.
Zachary Quinto rocked my world with his portrayal of Spock. It is scary how much he resembles the original Spock. I honestly thought I would have a hard time seeing past his Sylar-ness (of Heroes)...but there was never an issue. He nailed it! Dare I say I even preferred him to Nimoy? (Sorry - but I did.) It also amused me that his hair moved! I mean, not once in a single TV episode or film did I ever see Nimoy's hair was lacquered to his skull! LOL
While I'm not sure the Trekkie in me can get over the romantic link they

Chris Pine made for an amusing James T Kirk who I grew to appreciate as the film progressed. I was happy that they made his character fodder for some comic relief. Sure he's an arrogant, ladies man and all the other things you'd expect Kirk to be - but again, he was his own man and was able to stand on his own two feet in Shatner's giant shadow.
As each of the original characters make their appearance on-screen the film got increasingly more interesting and entertaining. There were plenty of juicy one-liners and fan favorites like "I'm giving her all I've got Captain!" to keep the die-hards happy. Karl Urban's Bones and Simon Pegg's Scotty were clearly standouts...I only wish there had been more Scotty and sooner.
I also enjoyed spying some of JJ Abram's usual cast of characters peppered throughout the film in brief cameos (or in Greg Gunberg's case - voice overs, that was a tricky one!). It was like an Abram's drinking game! Spot the actors JJ likes to use in all his work and take a shot.
The weakest link, at least for me, was the bad guy - Romulan rogue Nero, adequately played by Eric Bana. I know! In the history of Star Trek you can always count on the Romulans to be the bad guy. They are the Nazi's of Trek film lore. But this guy just wasn't that scary or even that memorable to me. Give me The Borg any day or night. I also would have liked to see more of Kirk's time at Starfleet Academy.
I definitely recommend this film - even my husband who is not much into SciFi or Star Trek enjoyed it. The ending left me squirming in my seat for the sequel! Bring it on JJ...
Friday, August 28, 2009
When you love someone but it goes to waste...

This realization brought about a mix of emotions. There was a time in my life that I never would have imagined being able to simply forget the significance of this date. I suppose that is proof of my growth...of time's ability to heal. To be honest, I don't even think I have thought about this day in years.
This year is different.
I'm certain that this is a direct result of having spent time with Mark fairly recently. Seeing him again stirred up many feelings and thoughts that had long settled to the bottom of my soul. The unfortunate way that he decided to part ways with me brought about a fresh new set of wounds that I have been dealing with as well. So I guess it is only natural for this date to suddenly have meaning to me again.
Taking into account everything that has happened...I keep coming back to one question: What if the person you were meant to be with has already come into your life and you let him/her go?
I will never have the luxury of knowing what Mark's real reasons were to suddenly disappear from my life, so I am going to blatantly state my thoughts as fact: It freaked him out that even after a

I think that Mark wants to be remembered now as the guy who walked away from temptation for all the right reasons. He wants to be the noble guy who did the right thing to ensure that the life I had built after him remained intact and unscathed.
But I saw the way he looked at those photos of us...and I didn't miss the way his voice changed when we were talking about my grandfather's medallion that I gave him for protection, which he still wears to this day. I heard him use his 'special voice' that he used to use when he flirted with me. I saw the regret in his eyes as I showed him pictures of my children.
I noticed everything.
Yet he wants me to think he doesn't give a shit, but I don't buy it. His disappearing act was just him taking the easy way out once again, and that pisses me off. When things get tough, he walks. I guess some things don't change. So sorry Mark, but I don't think of you as the guy who did the right thing by driving away that night. Instead I just see you as the guy who walked out of my life not once but twice because it was the easiest way for you to deal with things.
Despite what you may conclude, dear readers, I don't take for granted what I have with my actual husband. I do love him. I know my life would be less without him in it. He is a better man than Mark in many ways. Still...there is a piece of my heart that is forever locked and sealed from him (and any other person for that matter). No amount of time will ever penetrate and dilute the feelings that are in there. That may be unfair, but it is the truth. Whether or not he deserves it - Mark still has my love.
So on this date I remember him and what could have been and wonder how I could have fixed things...tomorrow I shall go on with my life.
Back to school SNAFU...

It is apparently the norm for middle schools and high schools to wait until the first week of classes to send home their "real" list of items. So even though I had been making my penny, nickel and dime purchases since June - I found myself standing in a feeding frenzy of other parents of kids in the higher grades. It was a sea of crazed teenagers and their beleaguered parents…the line at Office Max stretched from the front registers to the back aisles. Visions of November's "Black Friday" went through my mind like a shopping vet having a flash-back.
College rule notebook paper?! Where?! A group to my right launched themselves upon the prize like a pack of hungry wolves.
As I clutched my newly acquired list of items from Meg's literature teacher, I wanted to scream: I'm not like you! I didn't wait until the last moment to shop…I was finished!
Defeated I joined the others searching out a package of spiral bound index cards. I swallowed my anger as I reached for a "tape bound" notebook - thinking of the dozen or so "spiral" notebooks I had bought for a mere penny, but were now substandard. Standing in line, I watched a small group of people snatching up the last of the TI-Scientific calculators - others hovered on the edge trying to sneak a hand in to grab one too. I waited for a knife-fight to break-out, or at least a decent musical number a la West Side Story, but it was finally my turn at the cash register and I lost interest. $11.35 later I was (again) finished. That was probably the same amount that I had spent on all of Brandon's carefully purchased supplies (minus his book bag and binder) - I clenched my teeth in frustrated rage that I had missed out on previous bargains just because Meg's school couldn't be bothered to produce a proper list earlier in the summer. Didn't these people know we were in a recession?
I wandered over to Target next to locate a decent student planner - since Meg had declared the one the school gave out for free to be "lame". She was actually right - they gave the kids only 4 lines per day to list their assignments but they have 7 classes. Apparently Target sends out a siren call to all single fathers that we married folk cannot hear…because every aisle I ventured down had at least one baffled looking man with a bored child in tow. One muttered, "I can't believe there is nothing left." Another whined into his cell phone that they "just didn't make those in that size." I bet he was looking for the mysterious "4.0 oz large glue stick." HA! It was a trick…just buy the biggest one you can find and move on young pup, I wanted to whisper knowingly in his free ear. They just throw them in the communal basket anyhow, you know. I finally located the only style of student planner left and made my way home.
I'm still in disbelief that I had to shop for school supplies on the second day of school. At least I had found what I needed, and despite the fact that my new little list had cost me all of what I had saved previously, I could be content with the knowledge that I was done.
Until the third day of class...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Summer winds down...

Summer is officially on the decline in my house...we saw The British Invasion. Every year we catch a free concert by this band here in Hilliard. It is a ritual, which usually marks the beginning of the end of summer, that Brian and I enjoy very much. We find a nice place on the lawn, snack on some munchies and enjoy a pretty darn decent Beatles' cover band. (They play more than The Beatles btw). The kids enjoy the music - despite themselves - and get to bounce themselves silly in the free inflatables area they set up. All in all, a good time is had by all. (They play all over the place - check em out!)
Last night the crowd was a bit sparse - which is a surprise because this concert is usually well attended. It made for shorter lines at the bouncy house though. :) It is a good place to people watch. I enjoyed watching all the happy dogs bounding about the park and the toddlers shaking their diapered booties. I was alarmed, however, at how many obese children I saw. I'm talking about kids no more than 5! How does this happen? It is seriously troubling to me. Do their parents really have blinders on? How do they not see how much more their child weighs than the rest of the kids? How does that not worry them to the point of taking action? It is a serious problem.
Yesterday, also marked the end of my back to school (BTS) shopping spree. I put the finishing touches on all things BTS. Supplies - check! Clothes - check! Loss of sanity - check! Totally drained budget - double check! Between all the getting ready for school shopping (which fell squarely on my shoulders despite the fact that I'm working full time) and completing all the necessary paperwork, I am ready for classes to begin. We had to spend extra energy in preparation for Brandon's return to school due to his diabetes...trips to the doctor, extra medical supplies, extra snacks and forms. I'm just worn out!
I feel like we've already started school really...Meaghan spent the last two weeks trying out for cheer leading and then volleyball, which meant daily trips up to her new school. Unfortunately she did not make either team, but her spirits are still good and she is looking forward to 7th grade. I was really proud of her effort and determination these past 2 weeks. Tuesday begins her 2-day (you read that right) orientation. Brandon doesn't meet his new teacher until next Monday (24th) - the day before school starts. He's a bit bummed about that. He's ready to go back too.
Another summer fading's all downhill from here!