I've decided that my computer is the source of my mood swings! Seriously...I've noted how my mood tends to sour after spending any length of time on it. I think it has something to do with the emails I received, and the ones I didn't - if you know what I mean. I spend at least an hour or more a day on my laptop - mainly to work on SpeakOUT stuff - so, I wonder what I can do about this discovery?!
To test this theory, on Sunday I decided to stay off the thing completely...and my day went pretty well! I decided that we would venture outside as a family and go to Brian's company picnic at
Darby House. Normally we are not the type of family to do such things - but it was a beautiful day and there were free pony rides! So we went and I
really enjoyed it. The food was catered by
Schmidt's (a local German restaurant - yummmm!). They had the cutest platter of mini creme puffs that I must admit indulging in beyond good manners.
Then the kids ran about riding ponies, playing horseshoes, getting their face painted, playing outdoor sports and so forth. One activity was cane fishing in a private pond. We took the kids and both caught their very first fish! I wish I had my camera (
bad mommy!). Brandon caught a fair sized blue gill and Meaghan caught a 2-3 lbs bass! It was a catch & release pond, so I'm happy to say that the fish went back into the water. Brand0n tried to grab his fish, instead of the line and the fish got its revenge! When he extended his fins the tips get rigid and they stuck Brandon's palm. He cried like a maniac! Later on, Meaghan was trying to fish on her own and managed to get a hook in her finger. She wailed like her face had caught fire! It really freaked me out. She was fine though - barely even broke the skin. They were both a bit put off by these encouters but still felt excited about catching something.
The last thing the kids did was drag Brain to the top of this huge hill...which was actually the first hole on their private golf course. It really was HUGE - and
only a par 3! There they were: little outlines against the most amazingly blue sky...and then here they came rolling down it! The kids needed some proper instruction from Brian on the best way to roll (a sad commentary on kids in the 21st century) - but soon they came tumbling down. Again - I wish I had my camera. I can only imagine what Brian's co-workers thought of the spectacle. He didn't care though. :o) The whole experience was literally a breath of fresh air for me. I felt really calm and happy for once.
On Monday, I took Meaghan with me to see
"The Devil Wears Prada." As my dear readers know, I had won these tickets earlier in the month and we finally went to see it. I knew it would be over Meg's head, but she insisted that she get to go with me. She saw Anne Hathaway and thought it would be like
'Princess Diaries' or something. It wasn't. Overall, I'd recomend the film...but it is a tad long. Also, I found some of it depressing. It was depressing to see people rip into Anne's character for being FAT (at a size 6!)...double that and I still couldn't get the junk in my trunk into it. Unfortunately, Anne gives in and looses weight to attain the slightly pudgy, but more acceptable size 4.
Get real! Also, I was depressed watching the office politics in this movie. It reminded me of every corporate job I've had. Back stabbing and so forth. I sure as hell don't miss that.
Tuesday, I
forced myself to work on SpeakOUT stuff and finally get caught up on reading all
The Advocate magazines I've had laying around. So my bad attitude about being a gay advocate is only half as bad as in my last post. I'm at least functional now. Unfortunately, I just found out that the
Washington State Supreme Court upheld its gay marriage ban by a 5-4 vote. Depressing.
See? Being on this thing is depressing!
On a brighter note - Brian and I got an invitation to a party at our friend's Nick & Rolando's house. :o) Also - I found out that we have a sitter for Sunday so we can go to a housewarming party at Rob & Glenn's new home in German Villiage - WITHOUT our kids! OK, sometimes the emails
do bring good tidings! :o)
Television updates: I've been watching the new Sci-Fi channel original series,
Eureka. It isn't half bad. Give it a shot if you are into an
X-Files meets
Twin Peaks drama...Tuesday at 9PM. Oh, if you are crazy about
Grey's Anatomy like me; check out the writer's blog. The show's creator, Shonda Rhimes, finally posted new stuff. Whoo hoo! Also, I just got an email regarding the DVD release of the third season of
The L-Word. I didn't get to watch this past season, so I am foaming at the mouth to get my hands on it! Wow - I watch
way too much TV! LOL ;0)