One Girl Revolution
Figuring life entry at a time.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Down again...

Well, motivated or not...I need to jump offline and deal with the real world. Hope your weekend went well.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Little town - big secrets...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Real Must-See TV is back...

Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Dream Police...

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Stupid Humans...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Taxation without equal representation...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Music of the night...

The Lyric Harp Duo consisted of Jude Mollenhauer and Yan Ni - both of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra (among many others). They performed classical harp music, some of which were original arrangements. This may sound like a snooze-fest to some people, but I've always loved the harp. The concert was very good. It was amazing to hear all the different sounds this beautiful instrument could make...including some cool "special effects" like a gong. At one point in a song, I could swear someone was playing the guitar and a piano in another. Watching these two ladies pick, pluck and strum these huge instruments was just fascinating.
I really thought it was cool that with one instrument they could play so many types of music - Chinese, Renaissance, Contemporary, Italian and Spanish! I wanted to yell out "Freebird!" just to see if they would launch into that as well. LOL :o) My favorite piece of the evening was Clair de Lune...I actually have that song on a CD I listen to at night to fall asleep. I whispered to Brian that if I were filthy rich, I'd have these two ladies play me to sleep everynight. :o)
Misc. harp info that I learned tonight:

- A professional harp costs about $20,000!
- They also weigh about 95lbs.
- They have 7 foot pedals (to produce the 'black key' notes)
- Harpists don't use their pinkies when they play!
There was this adorable Chinese baby sitting next to us. She was just a little thing...sucking on her two fingers. Sigh! She definitely gave me "baby fever." I kept making goo-goo eyes at Brian - who was not buying it at all. LOL I just wanted to snatch her out of her mom's arms! (Relax...I would have given her back - eventually! LOL)
Tomorrow is yoga...with all this harp music floating in my head, I should be very zen by noon tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Life on Avenue Q...

Getting back to the was hilarious! I already knew all the songs, but seeing them performed live just improved an already good thing. It was amazing to see the actors and puppets performing so flawlessly together. Sometimes one actor would play two puppets (or more) and it was awesome to see them flow from one character to the other in the same scene. Very cool! The ensemble cast was excellent too. They would take one puppet from an actor and stay in the scene so the main actor could play another role. It was like a complicated dance.

Go see it...or it'll suck to be you!
Monday, April 07, 2008
Catching up...

This past weekend was a challenge. Friday I spent 2 1/2 hours ironing clothes! It was terrible...but no one else was going to do it, so I sucked it up and took care of it so my family could have clean, ironed clothing in their closets (instead of clean, wrinkled pieces crushed in a laundry basket). I spent the time watching DVD's - heads up: The Great New Wonderful is terrible! Despite a stellar cast, the life after 9/11 in NYC was long, boring and forgettable. Don't bother! I was able to save the night by watching 2 episodes of House from season three which I had not seen. I don't know what I'll do when I finally get caught up and see them all. (sigh)
Saturday I was so tired from ironing, cleaning and washing dishes the night before that I opted not to go to yoga. I regretted that later - but the extra sleep was nice. I had tons to do before our family went into three directions: I attended the JDRF Promise Ball (fundraiser) as a volunteer, Brian and Meg went to the Girl Scout Father/Daughter Dance and Brandon went to a sleepover (which turned into a play date when he called at 9:45 wanting to come home). It was a very hectic night - especially when you consider that we only have one car. I was proud to do my part at the JDRF ball, but I just get really emotional about Brandon's diabetes and it is hard for me to be really active. It's just too hard.
Sunday was Brandon's long-awaited birthday party! We had a great time. The bowling party was a huge hit. He loved that he got to take a real bowling pin home with him - which all his friends signed. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and it was a relaxing event. His Finding Nemo cake was really cute too. I'll post some photos soon.
Afterward we went to meet my Godfather, John, who was visiting from NY. I had not seen him in over a decade! It was really weird to see him - but he was the same as always. He is recently widowed, and he is very smitten by my divorced-mother. I think they make a great couple...although she isn't sold on the idea. He was so nice to her - pulling her chair out, opening her door. It was so nice to see a man treat my mother with respect and kindness. I'm rooting for him to win her over. He is exactly what she needs. He has money, is healthy, doesn't smoke or drink and they have a long past together. I feel they are well suited for one another. The thought of them being together doesn't bother me at all - is that weird? Can my father be so easily replaced??
Well, I've got tons to get going!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
You can can jive...

Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Paper or "Plastics"?

I guess I've been a people watcher my whole life. I love going downtown, or to OSU, to watch all the different type of people walking about. I like to wonder what kind of person these strangers are. I wonder why he/she looks so sad or lost. I notice the ones sitting alone, as well as the ones trying a bit too hard to stand out. I think it is pretty fascinating. I try not to think about what they are thinking about when they see me.
The other day I was at the Polaris Fashion Mall and I couldn't help but notice all "The Plastics" there. I'm obviously borrowing that phrase from the film, "Mean Girls"...but it is pretty self-explanatory. The Plastics are the beautiful people; the wealthy, the people the rest of us are supposed to strive to be like. Call them whatever your generation prefers: "Heathers," "Richies" or "Stepford Wives."
They were everywhere: looking so perfect and unaffected by life. It would be hard for me to imagine them suffering one real tragedy or hardship in their oblivious lives. I wonder what that would be like. I wonder what life is like to think nothing of paying $300 for a pair of shoes and hundreds more for a handbag. How different would my life be if I got handed a Lexus for my first car? Could I be plastic too if I had the resources? Boob job, tanning booth, liposuction, complete hair and clothing, I doubt that I could because I've lived through too much. My eyes would give me away.
Has anyone else ever noticed how easy it is to pick out the "poor" or "down-trodden" people in a random group of people? It's not about the material things's in their faces and how they carry themselves. The shine is gone from their eyes and hair. They look as beaten down on the outside as they feel on the inside. They carry around this invisible weight that literally pulls them down and inward.
I remember once I told my family doctor that I couldn't really put into words how depressed or down I felt other than to say: "I feel as bad on the inside as I look from the outside." Lately I look into the mirror and hardly recognize myself. I always look tired, unhappy and stressed. Even when I think I'm having an "up" day...I'll get a glance of my reflection and see that I don't look at all happy. How can you erase the years that a hard life has added to you? How can I reconcile the feelings within with my outward appearance?
Where's my reboot button?