Another cold day here in the tundra! Isn't this lazy-day polar bear just adorable? I just want to scrunch my face against his marshmallow fur...although it isn't as soft as it looks. I just love polar bears!
Somehow, I managed to stay indoors all day long. Around 2PM, I did offer to take the kids to see this movie that they have been begging me to see - but suddenly they didn't want to see it today!
Whatever! I couldn't afford it anyway, but I also couldn't stand their constant squabbling either. Since the movie in question is (the newest money machine from Nickelodeon)
"Hotel for Dogs." it wasn't like I was heart broken over missing it. The one good thing about the movie is that proceeds from it are going to help real-life dogs who need adopted. So that's pretty cool.
We ended up watching 2 movies at home. Brian and I watched
Ghost World - which we enjoyed, even though the movie got a bit dull in the middle. Plus Ricky Gervais just wasn't as funny as I hoped he would be. Then we all snuggled on the couch and watched
Mad Money - which was worth the dollar I paid to view it. The main problem I had with this film was all the factual errors about money. I used to work in a bank, so I guess I know more than the average movie viewer...still, you think they'd get it right. (FYI: Money that is to be destroyed has its serial number recorded. Therefore, if the money they stole was put back into circulation, it would be a red flag - eventually. Since this movie spans 3 years...well, I think it is a pretty big error.) The climax (spoiler: when they get busted) was also unbelievable. Also, I just really dislike Diane Keaton. She plays the same whiny, self-absorbed, upper-crust bitch in most every movie I've seen her in. She is just a very unlikeable person. I felt no different here. Hmm...did I even like this movie?! LOL
I just finished working on more stuff for work - hoping (probably in vain) that my boss will pay me for the hours I didn't get to work yesterday. I don't think I wrote yesterday...Davis calls me at 9AM and asks if I got his text? Well,
hell no! I wasn't at my computer just hoping he'd write me...grr. Turns out it is
too cold to work...and "we've all had a rough week." Really? Hmm...why? I wouldn't know since I am 100% left out of the loop now.
So there went my make-up hours. I was disappointed...and Brian was mad. I made a special trip to the office to fetch the remaining sheets that I need to research for Sharon. I am going to do the work...and I hope he will agree to pay me for my time (the time he promised me on Friday). I also went to see with my own eyes that "everyone" was off. (They weren't there.) I honestly thought they would be. It's gotten to that point. Plus I was a bit ticked that we are supposed to be working so hard to make our numbers...and we aren't even close this past week - but he just closes the office! Grr!!
I've been struggling all day with what is best for me to do. Half of me thinks I ought to quit out right. If I don't, I won't be as motivated to find something else. The other half thinks I need to stay there as long as I can and then take any job I can...even if that means giving no notice. I also thought about just laying my cards out on the table to Davis on Monday...I can't make it on the hours you are giving me; you won't accommodate my request for a more compact schedule so I can get an additional job until things get better here; you keep calling me to tell me not to come in; so now I'm going to apply for a temp-job and if they call tomorrow with an offer, well I'm taking it. So you can let me keep working here - knowing I could just call you any time with no notice and leave, OR you can lay me off and I can collect unemployment. All three seem dismal and sure to lead to failure.
Yesterday, I did take advantage of the time off though. We got our grocery shopping done - our cupboards were empty!
(There went half of Brian's check!) Since there was no school either, Meaghan finally got to pick up her new glasses.
(Free! Thanks Medicaid!) She was thrilled for about 15 minutes, but now she complains that the glasses hurt her nose and are too cold when she is outside. BUT she also is amazed at how much clearer everything is! She keeps shouting out stuff like - "I can read that!" while watching something on TV. I think she looks nice in glasses - but I like glasses. It's weird how fast I've gotten used to her in them already. I also picked up my Xanax prescription. :o)
Bonus - I finally got
Coldplay's Viva La Vida CD in at the library. I've been waiting
forever for it to come in!
The worst thing to happen yesterday was that my damned car wouldn't start - again. Even though we have it in the garage, it was just too cold. Luckily our neighbor was home and gave us a jump. It started and we were fine, until later in the evening and then it acted like it wasn't going to turn-over again. Brian broke down and went out to fetch us a new battery from Walmart. There went half my pay check - on a totally unplanned expense. Sigh! At least we know the car will start. I just feel so overwhelmed. :o(
I plan on visiting my Grandma tomorrow. Hopefully she will be up for a quick visit.
Well, it is so late. I need to get off the computer. Just a quick game of
Spider Solitaire - I'm addicted! - and I'm going to join Brian and Daisy the Wonder Dog in bed.
Hope you are all staying warm.
Last Song I Heard: "White & Nerdy" by Weird Al Yankovich
Last Thing that Made Me Happy: Brandon coming in to kiss me goodnight
Best Thing About Tomorrow: less than 3 days until President Obama takes the oath!